On 2020-11-25 06:17, Bharath Rupireddy wrote:
On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 7:24 AM Craig Ringer
<craig.rin...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:

A quick thought here.

Would it make sense to add a hook in the DISCARD ALL implementation that postgres_fdw can register for?

There's precedent here, since DISCARD ALL already has the same effect as SELECT pg_advisory_unlock_all(); amongst other things.

IIUC, then it is like a core(server) function doing some work for the
postgres_fdw module. Earlier in the discussion, one point raised was
that it's better not to have core handling something related to
postgres_fdw. This is the reason we have come up with postgres_fdw
specific function and a GUC, which get defined when extension is
created. Similarly, dblink also has it's own bunch of functions one
among them is dblink_disconnect().

If I have got Craig correctly, he proposed that we already have a DISCARD ALL statement, which is processed by DiscardAll(), and it releases internal resources known from the core perspective. That way, we can introduce a general purpose hook DiscardAll_hook(), so postgres_fdw can get use of it to clean up its own resources (connections in our context) if needed. In other words, it is not like a core function doing some work for the postgres_fdw module, but rather like a callback/hook, that postgres_fdw is able to register to do some additional work.

It can be a good replacement for 0001, but won't it be already an overkill to drop all local caches along with remote connections? I mean, that it would be a nice to have hook from the extensibility perspective, but postgres_fdw_disconnect() still makes sense, since it does a very narrow and specific job.

Alexey Kondratov

Postgres Professional https://www.postgrespro.com
Russian Postgres Company

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