On Fri, Dec 4, 2020 at 8:44 AM Hou, Zhijie <houzj.f...@cn.fujitsu.com>
> -        however only superusers can terminate superuser backends.
> +        however only superusers can terminate superuser backends. When no
> +        <parameter>wait</parameter> and <parameter>timeout</parameter>
> +        provided, only SIGTERM is sent to the backend with the given
> +        ID and <literal>false</literal> is returned immediately. But the
> I test the case when no wait and timeout are provided.
> True is returned as the following which seems different from the doc.
> postgres=# select pg_terminate_backend(pid);
>  pg_terminate_backend
> ----------------------
>  t
> (1 row)

Thanks for pointing that out. I reworded that statement. Attaching v5
patch. Please have a look.

With Regards,
Bharath Rupireddy.
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

Attachment: v5-0001-pg_terminate_backend-with-wait-timeout-and-pg_wai.patch
Description: Binary data

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