Fabien, do you consider it possible to change the syntax of declarative
partitioning too?

My 0.02 €: What I think does not matter much, what committers think is the way to pass something. However, I do not think that such an idea would pass a committer:-)

It is problematic as it is already committed but also is very tempting to have the same type of syntax both in automatic partitioning and in manual (PARTITION OF...)

I think that if a "common" syntax, for a given meaning of common, can be thought of, and without breaking backward compatibility, then there may be an argument to provide such a syntax, but I would not put too much energy into that if I were you.

I see 3 cases:

 - partition declaration but no actual table generated, the current

 - partition declaration with actual sub-tables generated, eg for hash
   where it is pretty straightforward to know what would be needed, or for
   a bounded range.

 - partition declaration without generated table, but they are generated
   on demand, when needed, for a range one may want weekly or monthly
   without creating tables in advance, esp. if it is unbounded.

ISTM that the syntax should be clear and if possible homogeneous for all three use cases, even if they are not implemented yet. It should also allow easy extensibility, hence something without a strong syntax, key/value pairs to be interpreted later.


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