On Wed, 18 Nov 2020 at 00:31, Jacob Champion <pchamp...@vmware.com> wrote:
> So that's in need of resolution. I'd expect gin and gist to be pretty
> flaky until we fix that.

Jacob and Soumyadeep,

Thanks for submitting this. I think a fix is still outstanding? and
the patch fails to apply on HEAD in two places.
Please can you submit the next version?

Do you mind if we add this for review to the Jan CF?

It is a lot of code and I think there is significant difficulty for
the community to accept that as-is, even though it looks to be a very
high quality submission. So I would like to suggest a strategy for
commit: we accept Zedstore as "Beta" or "Experimental" in PG14,
perhaps with a WARNING/Caution similar to the one that used to be
given by Postgres in earlier versions when you created a Hash index.
We keep Zedstore in "Beta" mode until a later release, PG15 or later
when we can declare Zedstore fully safe. That approach allows us to
get this into the repo asap, and then be fixed and improved
incrementally from here.


"NOTICE:  Caution: Zedstore is an experimental feature in PostgreSQL14
intended for robustness and performance testing only. Your data and/or
query accuracy may be at risk if you rely on this."

Simon Riggs                http://www.EnterpriseDB.com/

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