
From: Amit Langote <>
> Good thing you reminded me that this is about inserts, and in that
> case no, ExecInitModifyTable() doesn't know all leaf partitions, it
> only sees the root table whose batch_size doesn't really matter.  So
> it's really ExecInitRoutingInfo() that I would recommend to set
> ri_BatchSize; right after this block:
> /*
>  * If the partition is a foreign table, let the FDW init itself for
>  * routing tuples to the partition.
>  */
> if (partRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine != NULL &&
>     partRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->BeginForeignInsert != NULL)
>     partRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->BeginForeignInsert(mtstate, partRelInfo);
> Note that ExecInitRoutingInfo() is called only once for a partition
> when it is initialized after being inserted into for the first time.
> For a non-partitioned targets, I'd still say set ri_BatchSize in
> ExecInitModifyTable().

Attached is the patch that added call to GetModifyBatchSize() to the above two 
places.  The regression test passes.

(FWIW, frankly, I prefer the previous version because the code is a bit 
smaller...  Maybe we should refactor the code someday to reduce similar 
processings in both the partitioned case and non-partitioned case.)

Takayuki Tsunakawa

Attachment: v10-0001-Add-bulk-insert-for-foreign-tables.patch
Description: v10-0001-Add-bulk-insert-for-foreign-tables.patch

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