On 2021-01-20 18:14, Julien Rouhaud wrote:
On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 4:55 PM Masahiro Ikeda <ikeda...@oss.nttdata.com> wrote:
I tested the "update" command can work.
postgres=# ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements UPDATE TO '1.10';

Although the "toplevel" column of all queries which already stored is
we have to decide the default. I think 'false' is ok.

Mmm, I'm not sure that I understand this result.  The "toplevel" value
is tracked by the C code loaded at startup, so it should have a
correct value even if you used to have the extension in a previous
version, it's just that you can't access the toplevel field before
doing the ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements UPDATE.  There's also a
change in the magic number, so you can't use the stored stat file from
a version before this patch.

I also fail to reproduce this behavior.  I did the following:

- start postgres with pg_stat_statements v1.10 (so with this patch) in
- CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements VERSION '1.9';
- execute a few queries
- ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements UPDATE;
- SELECT * FROM pg_stat_statements reports the query with toplvel to TRUE

Can you share a way to reproduce your findings?

Sorry for making you confused. I can't reproduce although I tried now.
I think my procedure was something wrong. So, please ignore this comment, sorry about that.

B. check logic whether a query is top-level or not in pg_stat_kcache

This patch uses the only exec_nested_level to check whether a query is
top-level or not.
The reason is nested_level is less useful and I agree.

Do you mean plan_nest_level is less useful?

I think so. Anyway, it's important to correspond core's implementation
because pg_stat_statements and pg_stat_kcache are used at the same time.

Masahiro Ikeda

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