On 27.01.2021 8:45, Yugo NAGATA wrote:
On Mon, 25 Jan 2021 16:27:25 +0300
Konstantin Knizhnik <k.knizh...@postgrespro.ru> wrote:


Thank you for review.
My answers are inside.
Thank you for updating the patch and answering my questions.

If I understand correctly, your proposal consists of the following two features.

1. Add a feature to auto_explain that creates an extended statistic 
if an error on estimated rows number is large.

2. Improve rows number estimation of join results by considering functional
dependencies between vars in the join qual if the qual has more than one 
and also functional dependencies between a var in the join qual and vars in 
of the inner/outer relation.

As you said, these two parts are independent each other, so one feature will 
even if we don't assume the other.  I wonder it would be better to split the 
again, and register them to commitfest separately.
I agree with you that this are two almost unrelated changes, although
without clausesel patch additional statistic can not improve query planning.
I think extended statistics created by the auto_explain patch can improve query
planning even without the clausesel patch. For example, suppose the following 

postgres=# create table t ( i int, j int);
postgres=# insert into t select i/10, i/100 from  generate_series(1,1000000) i;
INSERT 0 1000000
postgres=# analyze t;
postgres=# explain analyze select * from t where i = 100 and j = 10;
                                            QUERY PLAN
  Seq Scan on t  (cost=0.00..19425.00 rows=1 width=8) (actual 
time=0.254..97.293 rows=10 loops=1)
    Filter: ((i = 100) AND (j = 10))
    Rows Removed by Filter: 999990
  Planning Time: 0.199 ms
  Execution Time: 97.327 ms
(5 rows)

After applying the auto_explain patch (without clausesel patch) and issuing the 
additional statistics were created.

postgres=# select * from t where i = 100 and j = 10;
LOG:  Add statistics t_i_j

Then, after analyze, the row estimation was improved.

postgres=# analyze t;
postgres=# explain analyze select * from t where i = 100 and j = 10;
postgres=# explain analyze select * from t where i = 100 and j = 10;
                                             QUERY PLAN
  Seq Scan on t  (cost=0.00..19425.00 rows=10 width=8) (actual 
time=0.255..95.347 rows=10 loops=1)
    Filter: ((i = 100) AND (j = 10))
    Rows Removed by Filter: 999990
  Planning Time: 0.124 ms
  Execution Time: 95.383 ms
(5 rows)

So, I think the auto_explain patch is useful with just that as a tool
to detect a gap between estimate and real and adjust the plan. Also,
the clausesel patch would be useful without the auto_explain patch
if an appropriate statistics are created.

But I already have too many patches at commitfest.
May be it will be enough to spit this patch into two?
Although we can discuss both of these patches in this thread,
I wonder we don't have to commit them together.

+       DefineCustomBoolVariable("auto_explain.suggest_only",
+                                                        "Do not create statistic 
but just record in WAL suggested create statistics statement.",
+                                                        NULL,

To imply that this parameter is involving to add_statistics_threshold, it seems
better for me to use more related name like add_statistics_suggest_only.

Also, additional documentations for new parameters are required.
+   <varlistentry>
+    <term>
+     <varname>auto_explain.auto_explain.add_statistics_threshold</varname> 
+     <indexterm>
+      <primary><varname>auto_explain.add_statistics_threshold</varname> 
configuration parameter</primary>
+     </indexterm>
+    </term>
+    <listitem>
+     <para>
+       <varname>auto_explain.add_statistics_threshold</varname> sets the 
threshold for
+       actual/estimated #rows ratio triggering creation of multicolumn 
+       for the related columns. It can be used for adpative query optimization.
+       If there is large gap between real and estimated number of tuples for 
+       concrete plan node, then multicolumn statistic is created for involved
+       attributes. Zero value (default) disables implicit creation of 
multicolumn statistic.
+     </para>
+    </listitem>

I wonder we need to say that this parameter has no effect unless log_analyze
is enabled and that statistics are created only when the excution time exceeds
log_min_duration, if these behaviors are intentional.

In addition, additional statistics are created only if #rows is over-estimated
and not if it is under-estimated. Although it seems good as a criterion for 
multicolumn statistic since extended statisstic is usually useful to fix 
I am not sure if we don't have to consider under-estimation case at all.

Currently, it only consider functional dependencies statistics. Can we also
consider multivariate MCV list, and is it useful?

Right now auto_explain create statistic without explicit specification
of statistic kind.
According to the documentation all supported statistics kinds should be
created in this case:
Yes, auto_explain creates all kinds of extended statistics. However,
IIUC, the clausesel patch uses only functional dependencies statistics for
improving join, so my question was about possibility to consider MCV in the
clausesel patch.

To achieve adaptive query optimization  (AQO) in PostgreSQL, this patch proposes
to use auto_explain for getting feedback from actual results. So, could 
be a infrastructure of AQO in future? Or, do you have any plan or idea to make
built-in infrastructure for AQO?
Sorry, I do not have answer for this question.
I just patched auto_explain extension because it is doing  half of the
required work (analyze  expensive statements).
It can be certainly moved to separate extension. In this case it will
party duplicate existed functionality and
settings of auto_explain (like statement execution time threshold). I am
not sure that it is good.
But from the other side, this my patch makes auto_explain extension to
do some unexpected work...
I think that auto_explain is an extension originally for aiming to detect
and log plans that take a long time, so it doesn't seem so unnatural for
me to use this for improving such plans. Especially, the feature to find
tunable points in executed plans seems useful.

Actually task of adaptive query optimization is much bigger.
We have separate AQO extension which tries to use machine learning to
correctly adjust estimations.
This my patch is much simpler and use existed mechanism (extended
statistics) to improve estimations.
Well, this patch provide a kind of AQO as auto_explain feature, but this
is independent of the AQO extension. Is it right?
Anyway, I'm interested in the AQO extension, so I'll look into this, too.

Yugo Nagata

I have updated documentation as you suggested and submit patch for auto_explain extension for the next commitfest. I will create separate  thread for improving join selectivity estimation using extended statistics.

Well, this patch provide a kind of AQO as auto_explain feature, but this
is independent of the AQO extension. Is it right?
Yes. The basic idea is the same, but approaches are different.

Konstantin Knizhnik
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

diff --git a/contrib/auto_explain/auto_explain.c b/contrib/auto_explain/auto_explain.c
index faa6231..5d8f088 100644
--- a/contrib/auto_explain/auto_explain.c
+++ b/contrib/auto_explain/auto_explain.c
@@ -13,12 +13,32 @@
 #include "postgres.h"
 #include <limits.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "access/hash.h"
 #include "access/parallel.h"
+#include "access/relscan.h"
+#include "access/skey.h"
+#include "access/table.h"
+#include "access/tableam.h"
+#include "catalog/pg_statistic_ext.h"
 #include "commands/explain.h"
+#include "commands/defrem.h"
 #include "executor/instrument.h"
 #include "jit/jit.h"
+#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
+#include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
+#include "optimizer/cost.h"
+#include "optimizer/optimizer.h"
+#include "optimizer/planmain.h"
+#include "parser/parsetree.h"
+#include "storage/ipc.h"
+#include "statistics/statistics.h"
+#include "utils/fmgroids.h"
 #include "utils/guc.h"
+#include "utils/syscache.h"
+#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
+#include "utils/ruleutils.h"
@@ -34,7 +54,9 @@ static bool auto_explain_log_settings = false;
 static int	auto_explain_log_format = EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT;
 static int	auto_explain_log_level = LOG;
 static bool auto_explain_log_nested_statements = false;
+static bool auto_explain_add_statistics_suggest_only = false;
 static double auto_explain_sample_rate = 1;
+static double auto_explain_add_statistics_threshold = 0.0;
 static const struct config_enum_entry format_options[] = {
 	{"text", EXPLAIN_FORMAT_TEXT, false},
@@ -85,6 +107,7 @@ static void explain_ExecutorRun(QueryDesc *queryDesc,
 static void explain_ExecutorFinish(QueryDesc *queryDesc);
 static void explain_ExecutorEnd(QueryDesc *queryDesc);
+static void AddMultiColumnStatisticsForNode(PlanState *planstate, ExplainState *es);
  * Module load callback
@@ -230,6 +253,30 @@ _PG_init(void)
+	DefineCustomRealVariable("auto_explain.add_statistics_threshold",
+							 "Sets the threshold for actual/estimated #rows ratio triggering creation of multicolumn statistic for the related columns.",
+							 "Zero disables implicit creation of multicolumn statistic.",
+							 &auto_explain_add_statistics_threshold,
+							 0.0,
+							 0.0,
+							 INT_MAX,
+							 PGC_SUSET,
+							 0,
+							 NULL,
+							 NULL,
+							 NULL);
+	DefineCustomBoolVariable("auto_explain.add_statistics_suggest_only",
+							 "Do not create statistic but just record in WAL suggested create statistics statement.",
+							 NULL,
+							 &auto_explain_add_statistics_suggest_only,
+							 false,
+							 PGC_SUSET,
+							 0,
+							 NULL,
+							 NULL,
+							 NULL);
 	/* Install hooks. */
@@ -363,6 +410,282 @@ explain_ExecutorFinish(QueryDesc *queryDesc)
+ * Try to add multicolumn statistics for specified subplans.
+ */
+static void
+AddMultiColumnStatisticsForSubPlans(List *plans, ExplainState *es)
+	ListCell   *lst;
+	foreach(lst, plans)
+	{
+		SubPlanState *sps = (SubPlanState *) lfirst(lst);
+		AddMultiColumnStatisticsForNode(sps->planstate, es);
+	}
+ * Try to add multicolumn statistics for plan subnodes.
+ */
+static void
+AddMultiColumnStatisticsForMemberNodes(PlanState **planstates, int nsubnodes,
+									   ExplainState *es)
+	int			j;
+	for (j = 0; j < nsubnodes; j++)
+		AddMultiColumnStatisticsForNode(planstates[j], es);
+ * Comparator used to sort Vars by name
+ */
+static int
+vars_list_comparator(const ListCell *a, const ListCell *b)
+	char* va = strVal((Value *) linitial(((ColumnRef *)lfirst(a))->fields));
+	char* vb = strVal((Value *) linitial(((ColumnRef *)lfirst(b))->fields));
+	return strcmp(va, vb);
+ * Try to add multicolumn statistics for qual
+ */
+static void
+AddMultiColumnStatisticsForQual(void* qual, ExplainState *es)
+	List *vars = NULL;
+	ListCell* lc;
+	/* Extract vars from all quals */
+	foreach (lc, qual)
+	{
+		Node* node = (Node*)lfirst(lc);
+		if (IsA(node, RestrictInfo))
+			node = (Node*)((RestrictInfo*)node)->clause;
+		vars = list_concat(vars, pull_vars_of_level(node, 0));
+	}
+	/* Loop until we considered all vars */
+	while (vars != NULL)
+	{
+		ListCell *cell;
+		List *cols = NULL;
+		Index relno = 0;
+		Bitmapset* colmap = NULL;
+		/* Contruct list of unique vars */
+		foreach (cell, vars)
+		{
+			Node* node = (Node *) lfirst(cell);
+			if (IsA(node, Var))
+			{
+				Var *var = (Var *) node;
+				int varno = IS_SPECIAL_VARNO(var->varno) ? var->varnosyn : var->varno;
+				if (cols == NULL || varno == relno)
+				{
+					relno = varno;
+					if (var->varattno > 0 &&
+						!bms_is_member(var->varattno, colmap) &&
+						varno >= 1 && /* not synthetic var */
+						varno <= list_length(es->rtable) &&
+						list_length(cols) < STATS_MAX_DIMENSIONS)
+					{
+						RangeTblEntry *rte = rt_fetch(varno, es->rtable);
+						if (rte->rtekind == RTE_RELATION)
+						{
+							ColumnRef  *col = makeNode(ColumnRef);
+							char *colname = get_rte_attribute_name(rte, var->varattno);
+							col->fields = list_make1(makeString(colname));
+							cols = lappend(cols, col);
+							colmap = bms_add_member(colmap, var->varattno);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					continue;
+				}
+			}
+			vars = foreach_delete_current(vars, cell);
+		}
+		/* To create multicolumn statitics we need to have at least 2 columns */
+		if (list_length(cols) >= 2)
+		{
+			RangeTblEntry *rte = rt_fetch(relno, es->rtable);
+			CreateStatsStmt* stats = makeNode(CreateStatsStmt);
+			char *rel_namespace = get_namespace_name(get_rel_namespace(rte->relid));
+			char *rel_name = get_rel_name(rte->relid);
+			RangeVar* rel = makeRangeVar(rel_namespace, rel_name, 0);
+			char* stat_name = rel_name;
+			char* create_stat_stmt = (char*)"";
+			char const* sep = "ON";
+			ScanKeyData entry[2];
+			TableScanDesc scan;
+			Relation stat_rel;
+			size_t name_len;
+			TupleTableSlot *slot;
+			/* Sort variables by name */
+			list_sort(cols, vars_list_comparator);
+			/* Construct name for statistic by concatenating relation name with all columns */
+			foreach (cell, cols)
+			{
+				char* col_name = strVal((Value *) linitial(((ColumnRef *)lfirst(cell))->fields));
+				stat_name = psprintf("%s_%s", stat_name, col_name);
+				create_stat_stmt = psprintf("%s%s %s", create_stat_stmt, sep, col_name);
+				sep = ",";
+			}
+			name_len = strlen(stat_name);
+			/* Truncate name if it doesn't fit in NameData */
+			if (name_len >= NAMEDATALEN)
+				stat_name = psprintf("%.*s_%08x", NAMEDATALEN - 10, stat_name, (unsigned)hash_any((uint8*)stat_name, name_len));
+			ScanKeyInit(&entry[0],
+						Anum_pg_statistic_ext_stxname,
+						BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_NAMEEQ,
+						CStringGetDatum(stat_name));
+			ScanKeyInit(&entry[1],
+						Anum_pg_statistic_ext_stxnamespace,
+						BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ,
+						ObjectIdGetDatum(get_rel_namespace(rte->relid)));
+			/*
+			 * Prevent concurrent access to extended statistic table
+			 */
+			stat_rel = table_open(StatisticExtRelationId, AccessExclusiveLock);
+			slot = table_slot_create(stat_rel, NULL);
+			scan = table_beginscan_catalog(stat_rel, 2, entry);
+			/*
+			 * Check if multicolumn statistic object with such name already exists.
+			 * Most likely if was already created by auto_explain, but either ANALYZE was not performed since
+			 * this time, either presence of this multicolumn statistic doesn't help to provide more precise estimation.
+			 * Despite to the fact that we create statistics with "if_not_exist" option, presence of such check
+			 * allows to eliminate notice message that statistics object already exists.
+			 */
+			if (!table_scan_getnextslot(scan, ForwardScanDirection, slot))
+			{
+				if (auto_explain_add_statistics_suggest_only)
+				{
+					ereport(NOTICE, (errmsg("Auto_explain suggestion: CREATE STATISTICS %s %s FROM %s",
+											stat_name, create_stat_stmt, rel_name),
+									 errhidestmt(true)));
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					ereport(LOG, (errmsg("Add statistics %s", stat_name),
+								  errhidestmt(true)));
+					stats->defnames = list_make2(makeString(rel_namespace), makeString(stat_name));
+					stats->if_not_exists = true;
+					stats->relations = list_make1(rel);
+					stats->exprs = cols;
+					CreateStatistics(stats);
+				}
+			}
+			table_endscan(scan);
+			ExecDropSingleTupleTableSlot(slot);
+			table_close(stat_rel, AccessExclusiveLock);
+		}
+	}
+ * Try to add multicolumn statistics for node
+ */
+static void
+AddMultiColumnStatisticsForNode(PlanState *planstate, ExplainState *es)
+	Plan	   *plan = planstate->plan;
+	if (planstate->instrument && plan->plan_rows != 0)
+	{
+		if (auto_explain_add_statistics_threshold != 0
+			&& planstate->instrument->ntuples / plan->plan_rows >= auto_explain_add_statistics_threshold)
+		{
+			elog(DEBUG1, "Estimated=%f, actual=%f, error=%f: plan=%s", plan->plan_rows, planstate->instrument->ntuples, planstate->instrument->ntuples / plan->plan_rows, nodeToString(plan));
+			/* quals, sort keys, etc */
+			switch (nodeTag(plan))
+			{
+			  case T_IndexScan:
+				AddMultiColumnStatisticsForQual(((IndexScan *) plan)->indexqualorig, es);
+				break;
+			  case T_IndexOnlyScan:
+				AddMultiColumnStatisticsForQual(((IndexOnlyScan *) plan)->indexqual, es);
+				break;
+			  case T_BitmapIndexScan:
+				AddMultiColumnStatisticsForQual(((BitmapIndexScan *) plan)->indexqualorig, es);
+				break;
+			  case T_NestLoop:
+				AddMultiColumnStatisticsForQual(((NestLoop *) plan)->join.joinqual, es);
+				break;
+			  case T_MergeJoin:
+				AddMultiColumnStatisticsForQual(((MergeJoin *) plan)->mergeclauses, es);
+				AddMultiColumnStatisticsForQual(((MergeJoin *) plan)->join.joinqual, es);
+				break;
+			  case T_HashJoin:
+				AddMultiColumnStatisticsForQual(((HashJoin *) plan)->hashclauses, es);
+				AddMultiColumnStatisticsForQual(((HashJoin *) plan)->join.joinqual, es);
+				break;
+			  default:
+				break;
+			}
+			AddMultiColumnStatisticsForQual(plan->qual, es);
+		}
+	}
+	/* initPlan-s */
+	if (planstate->initPlan)
+		AddMultiColumnStatisticsForSubPlans(planstate->initPlan, es);
+	/* lefttree */
+	if (outerPlanState(planstate))
+		AddMultiColumnStatisticsForNode(outerPlanState(planstate), es);
+	/* righttree */
+	if (innerPlanState(planstate))
+		AddMultiColumnStatisticsForNode(innerPlanState(planstate), es);
+	/* special child plans */
+	switch (nodeTag(plan))
+	{
+		case T_ModifyTable:
+			AddMultiColumnStatisticsForMemberNodes(((ModifyTableState *) planstate)->mt_plans,
+												   ((ModifyTableState *) planstate)->mt_nplans,
+												   es);
+			break;
+		case T_Append:
+			AddMultiColumnStatisticsForMemberNodes(((AppendState *) planstate)->appendplans,
+												   ((AppendState *) planstate)->as_nplans,
+												   es);
+			break;
+		case T_MergeAppend:
+			AddMultiColumnStatisticsForMemberNodes(((MergeAppendState *) planstate)->mergeplans,
+												   ((MergeAppendState *) planstate)->ms_nplans,
+												   es);
+			break;
+		case T_BitmapAnd:
+			AddMultiColumnStatisticsForMemberNodes(((BitmapAndState *) planstate)->bitmapplans,
+												   ((BitmapAndState *) planstate)->nplans,
+												   es);
+			break;
+		case T_BitmapOr:
+			AddMultiColumnStatisticsForMemberNodes(((BitmapOrState *) planstate)->bitmapplans,
+												   ((BitmapOrState *) planstate)->nplans,
+												   es);
+			break;
+		case T_SubqueryScan:
+			AddMultiColumnStatisticsForNode(((SubqueryScanState *) planstate)->subplan, es);
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+	}
  * ExecutorEnd hook: log results if needed
@@ -403,6 +726,10 @@ explain_ExecutorEnd(QueryDesc *queryDesc)
 				ExplainPrintJITSummary(es, queryDesc);
+			/* Add multicolumn statistic if requested */
+			if (auto_explain_add_statistics_threshold && !IsParallelWorker())
+				AddMultiColumnStatisticsForNode(queryDesc->planstate, es);
 			/* Remove last line break */
 			if (es->str->len > 0 && es->str->data[es->str->len - 1] == '\n')
 				es->str->data[--es->str->len] = '\0';
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/auto-explain.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/auto-explain.sgml
index 30e35a7..29dfd7a 100644
--- a/doc/src/sgml/auto-explain.sgml
+++ b/doc/src/sgml/auto-explain.sgml
@@ -280,6 +280,45 @@ LOAD 'auto_explain';
+   <varlistentry>
+    <term>
+     <varname>auto_explain.auto_explain.add_statistics_threshold</varname> (<type>real</type>)
+     <indexterm>
+      <primary><varname>auto_explain.add_statistics_threshold</varname> configuration parameter</primary>
+     </indexterm>
+    </term>
+    <listitem>
+     <para>
+       <varname>auto_explain.add_statistics_threshold</varname> sets the threshold for
+       actual/estimated #rows ratio triggering creation of multicolumn statistic
+       for the related columns. It can be used for adpative query optimization.
+       If there is large gap between real and estimated number of tuples for the
+       concrete plan node, then multicolumn statistic is created for involved
+       attributes. Zero value (default) disables implicit creation of multicolumn statistic.
+       Please notice, this parameter has no effect unless <varname>auto_explain.log_analyze</varname>
+       is enabled and that statistics are created only when the excution time exceeds
+       <varname>auto_explain.log_min_duration</varname>. Also additional statistics are created only if
+       number of rows is over-estimated and not if it is under-estimated.
+     </para>
+    </listitem>
+   </varlistentry>
+   <varlistentry>
+    <term>
+     <varname>auto_explain.auto_explain.add_statistics_suggest_only</varname> (<type>boolean</type>)
+     <indexterm>
+      <primary><varname>auto_explain.add_statistics_suggest_only</varname> configuration parameter</primary>
+     </indexterm>
+    </term>
+    <listitem>
+     <para>
+       <varname>auto_explain.add_statistics_suggest_only</varname> disables creation
+       of multicolumn statistic even if <varname>auto_explain.add_statistics_threshold</varname>
+       contains non zero value.Only log message will be reported in case of bad estimation.
+     </para>
+    </listitem>
+   </varlistentry>

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