On 2021-01-12 06:53, Ian Lawrence Barwick wrote:
     postgres=# SELECT has_column_privilege('foo', 999::int2, 'SELECT');
     (1 row)

The comment on the relevant code section in "src/backend/utils/adt/acl.c"
(related to "column_privilege_check()") indicate that NULL is the intended
return value in these cases:

      Likewise, the variants that take an integer attnum
      return NULL (rather than throwing an error) if there is no such
      pg_attribute entry.  All variants return NULL if an attisdropped
      column is selected.

The unexpected "TRUE" value is a result of "column_privilege_check()" returning
TRUE if the user has table-level privileges.  This returns a valid result with
the function variants where the column name is specified, as the calling
function will have already performed a check of the column through its call to
"convert_column_name()".  However when the attnum is specified, the status of
the column never gets checked.

I'm not convinced the current behavior is wrong. Is there some practical use case that is affected by this behavior?

The second patch adds a bunch of missing static prototypes to "acl.c",
on general

Why is this necessary?

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