On Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 11:43 AM Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 25, 2021 at 10:07 AM Jan Wieck <j...@wi3ck.info> wrote:
> > Our current plan is to create a new set of API calls and hooks that
> allow to register additional wire protocols. The existing backend libpq
> implementation will be modified to register itself using the new API. This
> will serve as a proof of concept as well as ensure that the API definition
> is not slanted towards a specific protocol. It is also similar to the way
> table access methods and compression methods are added.
> If we're going to end up with an open source implementation of
> something useful in contrib or whatever, then I think this is fine.
> But, if not, then we're just making it easier for Amazon to do
> proprietary stuff without getting any benefit for the open-source
> project. In fact, in that case PostgreSQL would ensure have to somehow
> ensure that the hooks don't get broken without having any code that
> actually uses them, so not only would the project get no benefit, but
> it would actually incur a small tax. I wouldn't say that's an
> absolutely show-stopper, but it definitely isn't my first choice.

At this very moment there are several parts to this. One is the hooks to
make wire protocols into loadable modules, which is what this effort is
about. Another is the TDS protocol as it is being implemented for Babelfish
and third is the Babelfish extension itself. Both will require additional
hooks and APIs I am not going to address here. I consider them not material
to my effort.

As for making the wire protocol itself expandable I really see a lot of
potential outside of what Amazon wants here. And I would not be advertising
it if it would be for Babelfish alone. As I laid out, just the ability for
a third party to add additional messages for special connection pool
support would be enough to make it useful. There also have been discussions
in the JDBC subproject to combine certain messages into one single message.
Why not allow the JDBC project to develop their own, JDBC-optimized backend
side? Last but not least, what would be wrong with listening for MariaDB

I am planning on a follow up project to this, demoting libpq itself to just
another loadable protocol. Just the way procedural languages are all on the
same level because that is how I developed the loadable, procedural
language handler all those years ago.

Considering how spread out and quite frankly unorganized our wire protocol
handling is, this is not a small order.

Regards, Jan

> --
> Robert Haas
> EDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

Jan Wieck

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