On 3/4/21 2:08 PM, Andres Freund wrote:
> [...] pgwin32_is_service() doesn't actually reliably detect if running as
> a service - it's a heuristic that also triggers when running postgres
> within a windows docker container (presumably because that itself is run
> from within a service?).
> ISTM that that's a problem, and is likely to become more of a problem
> going forward (assuming that docker on windows will become more
> popular).
> My opinion is that the whole attempt at guessing whether we are running
> as a service is a bad idea. This isn't the first time to be a problem,
> see e.g. [1].
> Why don't we instead have pgwin32_doRegister() include a parameter that
> indicates we're running as a service and remove all the heuristics?

I assume you mean a postmaster parameter, that would be set via pg_ctl?
Seems reasonable.



Andrew Dunstan
EDB: https://www.enterprisedb.com

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