What are your current thoughts?

Thanks for prodding.  I still think it's a useful feature.  However I
don't think I'll have to time to get it done on the current commitfest.
I suggest to let it sit in the commitfest to see if somebody else will
pick it up -- and if not, we move it to the next one, with apologies to
author and reviewers.

I may have time to become familiar or at least semi-comfortable with all
that weird math in it by then.


Generating a parametric good-quality low-cost (but not cryptographically-secure) pseudo-random permutations on arbitrary sizes (not juste power of two sizes) is not a trivial task, I had to be quite creative to achieve it, hence the "weird" maths. I had a lot of bad not-really-working ideas before the current status of the patch.

The code could be simplified if we assume that PG_INT128_TYPE will be available on all relevant architectures, and accept the feature not to be available if not.


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