On Thu, Feb 11, 2021 at 08:16:30PM +0300, Anastasia Lubennikova wrote:
> On 28.01.2021 09:55, Noah Misch wrote:
> >On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 07:32:42PM +0300, Anastasia Lubennikova wrote:
> >>On 27.01.2021 14:21, Noah Misch wrote:
> >>>On Mon, Jan 25, 2021 at 10:14:43PM +0300, Anastasia Lubennikova wrote:
> >>>>1) Could you please clarify, what do you mean by REVOKE failures?
> >>>>
> >>>>I tried following example:
> >>>>
> >>>>Start 9.6 cluster.
> >>>>
> >>>>REVOKE ALL ON function pg_switch_xlog() FROM public;
> >>>>REVOKE ALL ON function pg_switch_xlog() FROM backup;
> >>>>
> >>>>The upgrade to the current master passes with and without patch.
> >>>>It seems that current implementation of pg_upgrade doesn't take into 
> >>>>account
> >>>>revoke ACLs.
> >>>I think you can observe it by adding "revoke all on function
> >>>pg_stat_get_subscription from public;" to 
> >>>test_add_acl_to_catalog_objects.sql
> >>>and then rerunning your test script.  pg_dump will reproduce that REVOKE,
> >>>which would fail if postgresql.org had removed that function.  That's 
> >>>fine, so
> >>>long as a comment mentions the limitation.

I've now tested exactly that.  It didn't cause a test script failure, because
pg_upgrade_ACL_test.sh runs "pg_upgrade --check" but does not run the final
pg_upgrade (without --check).  The failure happens only without --check.  I've
attached a modified version of your test script that reproduces the problem.
It uses a different function, timenow(), so the test does not depend on
test_rename_catalog_objects_v14.  The attached script fails with this output:

Consult the last few lines of "pg_upgrade_dump_13325.log" for
the probable cause of the failure.
Failure, exiting

That log file contains:

command: "/tmp/workdir/postgresql_bin_test_new/bin/pg_dump" --host 
/home/nm/src/pg/backbranch/extra --port 50432 --username nm --schema-only 
--quote-all-identifiers --binary-upgrade --format=custom   
--file="pg_upgrade_dump_13325.custom" 'dbname=postgres' >> 
"pg_upgrade_dump_13325.log" 2>&1

command: "/tmp/workdir/postgresql_bin_test_new/bin/pg_restore" --host 
/home/nm/src/pg/backbranch/extra --port 50432 --username nm --clean --create 
--exit-on-error --verbose --dbname template1 "pg_upgrade_dump_13325.custom" >> 
"pg_upgrade_dump_13325.log" 2>&1
pg_restore: connecting to database for restore
pg_restore: dropping DATABASE PROPERTIES postgres
pg_restore: dropping DATABASE postgres
pg_restore: creating DATABASE "postgres"
pg_restore: connecting to new database "postgres"
pg_restore: creating COMMENT "DATABASE "postgres""
pg_restore: creating DATABASE PROPERTIES "postgres"
pg_restore: connecting to new database "postgres"
pg_restore: creating pg_largeobject "pg_largeobject"
pg_restore: creating ACL "pg_catalog.FUNCTION "timenow"()"
pg_restore: while PROCESSING TOC:
pg_restore: from TOC entry 3047; 0 0 ACL FUNCTION "timenow"() nm
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  function 
pg_catalog.timenow() does not exist
Command was: REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION "pg_catalog"."timenow"() FROM PUBLIC;

> >>In the updated patch, I implemented generation of both GRANT ALL and REVOKE
> >>ALL for problematic objects. If I understand it correctly, these calls will
> >>clean object's ACL completely. And I see no harm in doing this, because the
> >>objects don't exist in the new cluster anyway.

Here's fix_system_objects_ACL.sql with your v14 test script:

\connect postgres
 GRANT ALL  ON function  pg_catalog.pg_stat_get_subscription(pg_catalog.oid)  
TO "backup" ;
 REVOKE ALL  ON function  pg_catalog.pg_stat_get_subscription(pg_catalog.oid)  
FROM "backup" ;
 GRANT ALL  ON pg_catalog.pg_stat_subscription  TO "backup" ;
 REVOKE ALL  ON pg_catalog.pg_stat_subscription  FROM "backup" ;
 GRANT ALL  ON pg_catalog.pg_subscription  TO "backup","test" ;
 REVOKE ALL  ON pg_catalog.pg_subscription  FROM "backup","test" ;
 GRANT ALL  (subenabled)  ON pg_catalog.pg_subscription  TO "backup" ;
 REVOKE ALL  (subenabled)  ON pg_catalog.pg_subscription  FROM "backup" ;

Considering the REVOKE statements, those new GRANT statements have no effect.
To prevent the final pg_upgrade failure, fix_system_objects_ACL.sql would need
"GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION pg_catalog.pg_stat_get_subscription(pg_catalog.oid) TO
PUBLIC;".  Alternately, again, I don't mind if this case continues to fail, so
long as a comment mentions the limitation.  How would you like to proceed?

One other thing:

> diff --git a/src/bin/pg_upgrade/check.c b/src/bin/pg_upgrade/check.c
> index 43fc297eb6..f2d593f574 100644
> --- a/src/bin/pg_upgrade/check.c
> +++ b/src/bin/pg_upgrade/check.c
> +check_for_changed_signatures(void)
> +{
> +             /*
> +              *
> +              * AclInfo array is sorted by obj_ident. This allows us to 
> compare
> +              * AclInfo entries with the query result above efficiently.
> +              */
> +             for (aclnum = 0; aclnum < dbinfo->non_def_acl_arr.nacls; 
> aclnum++)
> +             {
> +                     AclInfo    *aclinfo = 
> &dbinfo->non_def_acl_arr.aclinfos[aclnum];
> +                     bool            report = false;
> +
> +                     while (objnum < ntups)
> +                     {
> +                             int                     ret;
> +
> +                             ret = strcmp(aclinfo->obj_ident,
> +                                                      PQgetvalue(res, 
> objnum, i_obj_ident));

I think this should check obj_type in addition to obj_ident.  Otherwise, it
can't distinguish a relation from a type of the same name.


Attachment: pg_upgrade_ACL_test_e2e.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

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