> 11 марта 2021 г., в 20:50, Gilles Darold <gil...@darold.net> написал(а):
> The patch doesn't apply anymore in master cause of error: patch failed: 
> src/backend/utils/init/globals.c:150
> An other remark about this patch is that it should be mentionned in the 
> documentation (doc/src/sgml/config.sgml) that the new configuration variables 
> need a server restart, for example by adding "This parameter can only be set 
> at server start." like for shared_buffers. Patch on postgresql.conf mention 
> it.
> And some typo to be fixed:
> s/Tipically/Typically/
> s/asincronous/asyncronous/
> s/confugured/configured/
> s/substrnsactions/substransactions/

Thanks, Gilles! Fixed.

Best regards, Andrey Borodin.

Attachment: v10-0001-Make-all-SLRU-buffer-sizes-configurable.patch
Description: Binary data

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