Hi Thomas

On Mon, Mar 15, 2021 at 2:58 PM Thomas Munro <thomas.mu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> One key question here is whether you need a different date type or
> just different operations (functions, operators etc) on the existing
> types.
I am thinking of having a converter to a specific calendar after each
operation and function for display or storage. It works on
Ethiopice calendar and i expect it will work on other calendar too

> > I cc Thomas Munro and Vik because they have interest on this area
> Last time it came up[1], I got as far as wondering if the best way
> would be to write a set of ICU-based calendar functions.  Would it be
> enough for your needs to have Ethiopic calendar-aware date arithmetic
> (add, subtract a month etc), date part extraction (get the current
> Ethiopic day/month/year of a date), display and parsing, and have all
> of these as functions that you have to call explicitly, but have them
> take the standard built-in date and timestamp types, so that your
> tables would store regular date and timestamp values?  If not, what
> else do you need?
Ethiopice calendar have 13 months so it can not be stored as date and
timestamp type and you approach seems more complicated and i suggest to
have this feature on the purpose of PostgreSQL popularities too not only
for my need

> ICU is very well maintained and widely used software, and PostgreSQL
> already depends on it optionally, and that's enabled in all common
> distributions.  In other words, maybe all the logic you want exists
> already in your process's memory, we just have to figure out how to
> reach it from SQL.  Another reason to use ICU is that we can solve
> this problem once and then it'll work for many other calendars.
Each  calendar-aware date arithmetic is different so solving one calendar
problem didn't help on other calendar

> > Please don't suggests to fork from PostgreSQL just for this feature
> I would start with an extension, and I'd try to do a small set of
> simple functions, to let me write things like:
>   icu_format(now(), 'fr_FR@calendar=buddhist') to get a Buddhist
> calendar with French words
>   icu_date_part('year', current_date, 'am_ET@calendar=traditional') to
> get the current year in the Ethiopic calendar (2013 apparently)
> Well, the first one probably also needs a format string too, actual
> details to be worked out by reading the ICU manual...

I think you suggesting this by expecting the implementation is difficult
but it's not that much difficult once you fully understand Gregorian
calendar and the calendar you work on

> Maybe instead of making a new extension, I might try to start from
> https://github.com/dverite/icu_ext and see if it makes sense to extend
> it to cover calendars.
> Maybe one day ICU will become a hard dependency of PostgreSQL and
> someone will propose all that stuff into core, and then maybe we could
> start to think about the possibility of tighter integration with the
> built-in date/time functions (and LC_TIME setting?  seems complicated,
> see also problems with setting LC_COLLATE/datcollate to an ICU
> collation name, but I digress and that's a far off problem).  I would
> also study the SQL standard and maybe DB2 (highly subjective comment:
> at a wild guess, the most likely commercial RDBMS to have done a good
> job of this if anyone has) to see if they contemplate non-Gregorian
> calendars, to get some feel for whether that would eventually be a
> possibility to conform with whatever the standard says.
> In summary, getting something of very high quality by using a widely
> used open source library that we already use seems like a better plan
> than trying to write and maintain our own specialist knowledge about
> individual calendars.  If there's something you need that can't be
> done with its APIs working on top of our regular date and timestamp
> types, could you elaborate?
> [1]
> https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/flat/CA%2BhUKG%2BybW0LJuLtj3yAUsbOw3DrzK00pGk8JyfpCREzi_LSsg%40mail.gmail.com#393d827f1be589d0ad6ca6b016905e80

I don't know how you see this but for me the feature deserves a specialist
and it is not that much difficult to have one because i guess every majore
calendar have english documentation


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