I wrote:
> ... I also tried variants
> of that involving updating two columns of a 6-column table and of a
> 10-column table, figuring that those cases might be a bit more
> representative of typical usage (see attached scripts).

Argh, I managed to attach the wrong file for the 10-column test
case.  For the archives' sake, here's the right one.

                        regards, tom lane

drop table if exists tab;
create unlogged table tab (a int4, b int4, f3 int, f4 int, f5 text,
  f6 float8, f7 int, f8 int, f9 int, f10 int);
\timing on
insert into tab select g, g, g, g, g::text,
  g, g, g, g, g
  from generate_series(1, 10000000) g;
vacuum tab;
explain verbose update tab set b = b, f6 = f6;
update tab set b = b, f6 = f6;

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