On Wed, 31 Mar 2021 at 09:02, Fabien COELHO <coe...@cri.ensmp.fr> wrote:
> >> First, I have a thing against erand48.
> >
> Also, there is a 64 bits seed provided to the function which instantly
> ignores 16 of them, which looks pretty silly to me.

Yeah, that was copied from set_random_seed().

> At least, I suggest that two 48-bits prng could be initialized with parts
> of the seed and used in different places, eg for r & m.

That could work. I'd certainly feel better about that than
implementing a whole new PRNG.

> Also, the seed could be used to adjust the rotation, maybe.

Perhaps. I'm not sure it's really necessary though.

> >> I'm really at odds with FULL SHIFT 1, because it means that up to 1/256 of
> >> values are kept out of STEERING. [...]
> >
> > Ah, that's a good point. Something else that also concerned me there was
> > that it might lead to 2 consecutive full shifts with nothing in between,
> > which would lead to less uniform randomness (like the Irwin-Hall
> > distribution). I just did a quick test without the first full shift, and
> > the results do appear to be better,
> Indeed, it makes sense to me.

OK, attached is an update making this change and simplifying the
rotate code, which hopefully just leaves the question of what (if
anything) to do with pg_erand48().

> >> Third, I think that the rotate code can be simplified, in particular
> >> the ?: should be avoided because it may induce branches quite damaging
> >> to processor performance.
> >
> > Yeah, I wondered about that. Perhaps there's a "trick" that can be
> > used to simplify it. Pre-computing the number of bits in the mask
> > would probably help.
> See pg_popcount64().

Actually, I used pg_leftmost_one_pos64() to calculate the mask length,
allowing the mask to be computed from that, so there is no longer a
need for compute_mask(), which seems like a neat little

diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/pgbench.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/pgbench.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 50cf22b..84d9566
--- a/doc/src/sgml/ref/pgbench.sgml
+++ b/doc/src/sgml/ref/pgbench.sgml
@@ -1057,7 +1057,7 @@ pgbench <optional> <replaceable>options<
        <entry> <literal>default_seed</literal> </entry>
-       <entry>seed used in hash functions by default</entry>
+       <entry>seed used in hash and pseudorandom permutation functions by default</entry>
@@ -1866,6 +1866,24 @@ SELECT 4 AS four \; SELECT 5 AS five \as
        <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
+        <function>permute</function> ( <parameter>i</parameter>, <parameter>size</parameter> [, <parameter>seed</parameter> ] )
+        <returnvalue>integer</returnvalue>
+       </para>
+       <para>
+        Permuted value of <parameter>i</parameter>, in the range
+        <literal>[0, size)</literal>.  This is the new position of
+        <parameter>i</parameter> (modulo <parameter>size</parameter>) in a
+        pseudorandom permutation of the integers <literal>0...size-1</literal>,
+        parameterized by <parameter>seed</parameter>.
+       </para>
+       <para>
+        <literal>permute(0, 4)</literal>
+        <returnvalue>an integer between 0 and 3</returnvalue>
+       </para></entry>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+       <entry role="func_table_entry"><para role="func_signature">
         <function>pi</function> ()
@@ -2071,29 +2089,70 @@ f(x) = PHI(2.0 * parameter * (x - mu) /
+   <note>
+    <para>
+      When designing a benchmark which selects rows non-uniformly, be aware
+      that the rows chosen may be correlated with other data such as IDs from
+      a sequence or the physical row ordering, which may skew performance
+      measurements.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      To avoid this, you may wish to use the <function>permute</function>
+      function, or some other additional step with similar effect, to shuffle
+      the selected rows and remove such correlations.
+    </para>
+   </note>
     Hash functions <literal>hash</literal>, <literal>hash_murmur2</literal> and
     <literal>hash_fnv1a</literal> accept an input value and an optional seed parameter.
     In case the seed isn't provided the value of <literal>:default_seed</literal>
     is used, which is initialized randomly unless set by the command-line
-    <literal>-D</literal> option. Hash functions can be used to scatter the
-    distribution of random functions such as <literal>random_zipfian</literal> or
-    <literal>random_exponential</literal>. For instance, the following pgbench
-    script simulates possible real world workload typical for social media and
-    blogging platforms where few accounts generate excessive load:
+    <literal>-D</literal> option.
+  </para>
+  <para>
+    <literal>permute</literal> accepts an input value, a size, and an optional
+    seed parameter.  It generates a pseudorandom permutation of integers in
+    the range <literal>[0, size)</literal>, and returns the index of the input
+    value in the permuted values.  The permutation chosen is parameterized by
+    the seed, which defaults to <literal>:default_seed</literal>, if not
+    specified.  Unlike the hash functions, <literal>permute</literal> ensures
+    that there are no collisions or holes in the output values.  Input values
+    outside the interval are interpreted modulo the size.  The function raises
+    an error if the size is not positive.  <function>permute</function> can be
+    used to scatter the distribution of non-uniform random functions such as
+    <literal>random_zipfian</literal> or <literal>random_exponential</literal>
+    so that values drawn more often are not trivially correlated.  For
+    instance, the following <application>pgbench</application> script
+    simulates a possible real world workload typical for social media and
+    blogging platforms where a few accounts generate excessive load:
-\set r random_zipfian(0, 100000000, 1.07)
-\set k abs(hash(:r)) % 1000000
+\set size 1000000
+\set r random_zipfian(1, :size, 1.07)
+\set k 1 + permute(:r, :size)
     In some cases several distinct distributions are needed which don't correlate
-    with each other and this is when implicit seed parameter comes in handy:
+    with each other and this is when the optional seed parameter comes in handy:
-\set k1 abs(hash(:r, :default_seed + 123)) % 1000000
-\set k2 abs(hash(:r, :default_seed + 321)) % 1000000
+\set k1 1 + permute(:r, :size, :default_seed + 123)
+\set k2 1 + permute(:r, :size, :default_seed + 321)
+    A similar behavior can also be approximated with <function>hash</function>:
+\set size 1000000
+\set r random_zipfian(1, 100 * :size, 1.07)
+\set k 1 + abs(hash(:r)) % :size
+    However, since <function>hash</function> generates collisions, some values
+    will not be reachable and others will be more frequent than expected from
+    the original distribution.
diff --git a/src/bin/pgbench/exprparse.y b/src/bin/pgbench/exprparse.y
new file mode 100644
index 4d529ea..56f75cc
--- a/src/bin/pgbench/exprparse.y
+++ b/src/bin/pgbench/exprparse.y
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #define PGBENCH_NARGS_CASE		(-2)
 #define PGBENCH_NARGS_HASH		(-3)
 PgBenchExpr *expr_parse_result;
@@ -370,6 +371,9 @@ static const struct
+	{
+	},
 	/* keep as last array element */
 		NULL, 0, 0
@@ -479,6 +483,19 @@ make_func(yyscan_t yyscanner, int fnumbe
 				PgBenchExpr *var = make_variable("default_seed");
 				args = make_elist(var, args);
+			}
+			break;
+		/* pseudorandom permutation function with optional seed argument */
+			if (len < 2 || len > 3)
+				expr_yyerror_more(yyscanner, "unexpected number of arguments",
+								  PGBENCH_FUNCTIONS[fnumber].fname);
+			if (len == 2)
+			{
+				PgBenchExpr *var = make_variable("default_seed");
+				args = make_elist(var, args);
diff --git a/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.c b/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.c
new file mode 100644
index 48ce171..a90b01d
--- a/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.c
+++ b/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.c
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
 #include "getopt_long.h"
 #include "libpq-fe.h"
 #include "pgbench.h"
+#include "port/pg_bitutils.h"
 #include "portability/instr_time.h"
 #ifndef M_PI
@@ -1128,6 +1129,106 @@ getHashMurmur2(int64 val, uint64 seed)
+ * Pseudorandom permutation function
+ *
+ * For small sizes, this generates each of the (size!) possible permutations
+ * of integers in the range [0, size) with roughly equal probability.  Once
+ * the size is larger than 16, the number of possible permutations exceeds the
+ * number of distinct states of the internal pseudorandom number generator,
+ * and so not all possible permutations can be generated, but the permutations
+ * chosen should continue to give the appearance of being random.
+ *
+ */
+static int64
+permute(const int64 val, const int64 isize, const int64 seed)
+	RandomState random_state;
+	uint64		size;
+	uint64		v;
+	int			masklen;
+	uint64		mask;
+	int			i;
+	if (isize < 2)
+		return 0;				/* nothing to permute */
+	/* Initialize random state with low-order bits of seed */
+	random_state.xseed[0] = seed & 0xFFFF;
+	random_state.xseed[1] = (seed >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
+	random_state.xseed[2] = (seed >> 32) & 0xFFFF;
+	/* Computations are performed on unsigned values */
+	size = (uint64) isize;
+	v = (uint64) val % size;
+	/* Mask to work modulo largest power of 2 less than or equal to size */
+	masklen = pg_leftmost_one_pos64(size);
+	mask = (((uint64) 1) << masklen) - 1;
+	/*
+	 * Permute the input value by applying 4 rounds of pseudorandom bijective
+	 * transformations.  The intention here is to distribute each input
+	 * uniformly randomly across the range, and separate adjacent inputs
+	 * approximately uniformly randomly from each other, leading to a fairly
+	 * random overall choice of permutation.
+	 *
+	 * To separate adjacent inputs, we multiply by a random number modulo
+	 * (mask + 1), which is a power of 2.  For this to be a bijection, the
+	 * multiplier must be odd.  Since this is known to lead to less randomness
+	 * in the lower bits, we also apply a rotation that shifts the topmost bit
+	 * into the least significant bit.  In the special cases where size <= 3,
+	 * mask = 1 and each of these operations is actually a no-op, so we also
+	 * XOR with a different random number to inject additional randomness.
+	 * Since the size is generally not a power of 2, we apply this bijection
+	 * on overlapping upper and lower halves of the input.
+	 *
+	 * To distribute the inputs uniformly across the range, we then also apply
+	 * a random offset modulo the full range.
+	 *
+	 * Taken together, these operations resemble a modified linear
+	 * congruential generator, as is commonly used in pseudorandom number
+	 * generators.  Empirically, it is found that for small sizes it selects
+	 * each of the (size!) possible permutations with roughly equal
+	 * probability.  For larger sizes, not all permutations can be generated,
+	 * but the intended random spread is still produced.
+	 */
+	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+	{
+		uint64		m,
+					r,
+					t;
+		/* Random multiply (by an odd number), XOR and rotate of lower half */
+		m = (uint64) (pg_erand48(random_state.xseed) * (mask + 1)) | 1;
+		r = (uint64) (pg_erand48(random_state.xseed) * (mask + 1));
+		if (v <= mask)
+		{
+			v = ((v * m) ^ r) & mask;
+			v = ((v << 1) & mask) | (v >> (masklen - 1));
+		}
+		/* Random multiply (by an odd number), XOR and rotate of upper half */
+		m = (uint64) (pg_erand48(random_state.xseed) * (mask + 1)) | 1;
+		r = (uint64) (pg_erand48(random_state.xseed) * (mask + 1));
+		t = size - 1 - v;
+		if (t <= mask)
+		{
+			t = ((t * m) ^ r) & mask;
+			t = ((t << 1) & mask) | (t >> (masklen - 1));
+			v = size - 1 - t;
+		}
+		/* Random offset */
+		r = (uint64) (pg_erand48(random_state.xseed) * size);
+		v = (v + r) % size;
+	}
+	return (int64) v;
  * Initialize the given SimpleStats struct to all zeroes
 static void
@@ -2475,6 +2576,29 @@ evalStandardFunc(CState *st,
 				return true;
+			{
+				int64		val,
+							size,
+							seed;
+				Assert(nargs == 3);
+				if (!coerceToInt(&vargs[0], &val) ||
+					!coerceToInt(&vargs[1], &size) ||
+					!coerceToInt(&vargs[2], &seed))
+					return false;
+				if (size <= 0)
+				{
+					pg_log_error("permute size parameter must be greater than zero");
+					return false;
+				}
+				setIntValue(retval, permute(val, size, seed));
+				return true;
+			}
 			/* cannot get here */
diff --git a/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.h b/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.h
new file mode 100644
index 3a9d89e..6ce1c98
--- a/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.h
+++ b/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.h
@@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ typedef enum PgBenchFunction
 } PgBenchFunction;
 typedef struct PgBenchExpr PgBenchExpr;
diff --git a/src/bin/pgbench/t/001_pgbench_with_server.pl b/src/bin/pgbench/t/001_pgbench_with_server.pl
new file mode 100644
index 82a46c7..cf50975
--- a/src/bin/pgbench/t/001_pgbench_with_server.pl
+++ b/src/bin/pgbench/t/001_pgbench_with_server.pl
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ use warnings;
 use PostgresNode;
 use TestLib;
 use Test::More;
+use Config;
 # start a pgbench specific server
 my $node = get_new_node('main');
@@ -483,6 +484,17 @@ pgbench(
 		qr{command=98.: int 5432\b},                    # :random_seed
 		qr{command=99.: int -9223372036854775808\b},    # min int
 		qr{command=100.: int 9223372036854775807\b},    # max int
+		# pseudorandom permutation tests
+		qr{command=101.: boolean true\b},
+		qr{command=102.: boolean true\b},
+		qr{command=103.: boolean true\b},
+		qr{command=104.: boolean true\b},
+		qr{command=105.: boolean true\b},
+		qr{command=109.: boolean true\b},
+		qr{command=110.: boolean true\b},
+		qr{command=111.: boolean true\b},
+		qr{command=112.: int 9223372036854775797\b},
+		qr{command=113.: boolean true\b},
 	'pgbench expressions',
@@ -610,6 +622,33 @@ SELECT :v0, :v1, :v2, :v3;
 -- minint constant parsing
 \set min debug(-9223372036854775808)
 \set max debug(-(:min + 1))
+-- parametric pseudorandom permutation function
+\set t debug(permute(0, 2) + permute(1, 2) = 1)
+\set t debug(permute(0, 3) + permute(1, 3) + permute(2, 3) = 3)
+\set t debug(permute(0, 4) + permute(1, 4) + permute(2, 4) + permute(3, 4) = 6)
+\set t debug(permute(0, 5) + permute(1, 5) + permute(2, 5) + permute(3, 5) + permute(4, 5) = 10)
+\set t debug(permute(0, 16) + permute(1, 16) + permute(2, 16) + permute(3, 16) + \
+             permute(4, 16) + permute(5, 16) + permute(6, 16) + permute(7, 16) + \
+             permute(8, 16) + permute(9, 16) + permute(10, 16) + permute(11, 16) + \
+             permute(12, 16) + permute(13, 16) + permute(14, 16) + permute(15, 16) = 120)
+-- random sanity checks
+\set size random(2, 1000)
+\set v random(0, :size - 1)
+\set p permute(:v, :size)
+\set t debug(0 <= :p and :p < :size and :p = permute(:v + :size, :size) and :p <> permute(:v + 1, :size))
+-- actual values
+\set t debug(permute(:v, 1) = 0)
+\set t debug(permute(0, 2, 5432) = 0 and permute(1, 2, 5432) = 1 and \
+             permute(0, 2, 5433) = 1 and permute(1, 2, 5433) = 0)
+-- 63 bits tests
+\set size debug(:max - 10)
+\set t debug(permute(:size-1, :size, 5432) = 5453903545070026760 and \
+             permute(:size-2, :size, 5432) = 3852510547464191995 and \
+             permute(:size-3, :size, 5432) = 6519944788385497068 and \
+             permute(:size-4, :size, 5432) = 2393897006749810651 and \
+             permute(:size-5, :size, 5432) =  435256285874192331 and \
+             permute(:size-6, :size, 5432) = 5260571010402451383 and \
+             permute(:size-7, :size, 5432) = 5245374096631496614)
@@ -1048,6 +1087,10 @@ SELECT LEAST(} . join(', ', (':i') x 256
 		'bad boolean',                     2,
 		[qr{malformed variable.*trueXXX}], q{\set b :badtrue or true}
+	[
+		'invalid permute size',				2,
+		[qr{permute size parameter must be greater than zero}], q{\set i permute(0, 0)}
+	],
 	# GSET
diff --git a/src/bin/pgbench/t/002_pgbench_no_server.pl b/src/bin/pgbench/t/002_pgbench_no_server.pl
new file mode 100644
index e38c7d7..4027e68
--- a/src/bin/pgbench/t/002_pgbench_no_server.pl
+++ b/src/bin/pgbench/t/002_pgbench_no_server.pl
@@ -341,6 +341,16 @@ my @script_tests = (
 		'set i',
 		[ qr{set i 1 }, qr{\^ error found here} ],
 		{ 'set_i_op' => "\\set i 1 +\n" }
+	],
+	[
+		'not enough arguments to permute',
+		[qr{unexpected number of arguments \(permute\)}],
+		{ 'bad-permute-1.sql' => "\\set i permute(1)\n" }
+	],
+	[
+		'too many arguments to permute',
+		[qr{unexpected number of arguments \(permute\)}],
+		{ 'bad-permute-2.sql' => "\\set i permute(1, 2, 3, 4)\n" }
 for my $t (@script_tests)

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