I attached a patch for this fix.

The patch mostly works for me, and I agree that the bench should not be in
a loop on any parameters, even when "crazy" parameters are given…

However I'm not sure this is the right way to handle this issue.

The catch-up loop can be dropped and the automaton can loop over itself to
reschedule. Doing that as the attached fixes this issue and also makes
progress reporting work proprely in more cases, and reduces the number of
lines of code. I did not add a test case because time sensitive tests have
been removed (which is too bad, IMHO).

I agree with your way to fix. However, the progress reporting didn't work
because we cannot return from advanceConnectionState to threadRun and just
break the loop.

+                                               /* otherwise loop over 

I attached the fixed patch that uses return instead of break, and I confirmed
that this made the progress reporting work property.

I'm hesitating to do such a strictural change for a degenerate case linked to "insane" parameters, as pg is unlikely to reach 100 million tps, ever.
It seems to me enough that the command is not blocked in such cases.


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