On Wed, Jun 30, 2021 at 12:21 PM Andrey Lepikhov <a.lepik...@postgrespro.ru>

> On 12/3/21 12:05, Hywel Carver wrote:
> > I've built and tested this, and it seems to function correctly to me.
> One question I have is whether the added "IS NOT NULL" filters can be
> omitted when they're unnecessary. Some of the resulting plans included an
> "IS NOT NULL" filter on a non-nullable column. To be clear, this is still
> an improvement (to me) without that.

I think, here we could ask more general question: do we want to remove a
> 'IS NOT NULL' clause from the clause list if the rest of the list
> implicitly implies it?

My suggestion was not to remove it, but to avoid adding it in the first
place. When your optimisation has found a join on a group of columns under
a uniqueness constraint, you would do something like this (forgive the

foreach(column, join_clause) {
  if(column.nullable) { // This condition is what I'm suggesting is added
    add_null_test(column, IS_NOT_NULL);

But it may be that that's not possible or practical at this point in the

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