On Thu, Jul 15, 2021 at 07:48:08AM +0000, gkokola...@pm.me wrote:
> Let us hope that it will prevent some bugs from happening.

The buildfarm has two reports.

1) bowerbird on Windows/MSVC:
pg_receivewal: fatal: could not fsync existing write-ahead log file
"000000010000000000000002.partial": Permission denied
not ok 20 - streaming some WAL using ZLIB compression
I don't think the existing code can be blamed for that as this means a
failure with gzflush().  Likely a concurrency issue as that's an
EACCES.  If that's repeatable, that could point to an actual issue
with pg_receivewal --compress.

2) curculio:
# Running: gzip --test
 unknown suffix: ignored
 not ok 24 - gzip verified the integrity of compressed WAL segments

Looking at the OpenBSD code (usr.bin/compress/main.c), long options
are supported, where --version does exit(0) without printing
anything, and --test is supported even if that's not on the man pages.
set_outfile() is doing a discard of the file suffixes it does not
recognize, and I think that their implementation bumps on .gz.partial
and generates an exit code of 512 to map with WARNING.  I still wish
to keep this test, and I'd like to think that the contents of
@zlib_wals are enough in terms of coverage.  What do you think?

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