Masahiko Sawada писал 2021-07-29 17:29:
On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 8:03 PM Yura Sokolov <> wrote:

Masahiko Sawada писал 2021-07-29 12:11:
> On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 3:53 AM Andres Freund <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 2021-07-27 13:06:56 +0900, Masahiko Sawada wrote:
>> > Apart from performance and memory usage points of view, we also need
>> > to consider the reusability of the code. When I started this thread, I
>> > thought the best data structure would be the one optimized for
>> > vacuum's dead tuple storage. However, if we can use a data structure
>> > that can also be used in general, we can use it also for other
>> > purposes. Moreover, if it's too optimized for the current TID system
>> > (32 bits block number, 16 bits offset number, maximum block/offset
>> > number, etc.) it may become a blocker for future changes.
>> Indeed.
>> > In that sense, radix tree also seems good since it can also be used in
>> > gist vacuum as a replacement for intset, or a replacement for hash
>> > table for shared buffer as discussed before. Are there any other use
>> > cases?
>> Yes, I think there are. Whenever there is some spatial locality it has
>> a
>> decent chance of winning over a hash table, and it will most of the
>> time
>> win over ordered datastructures like rbtrees (which perform very
>> poorly
>> due to the number of branches and pointer dispatches). There's plenty
>> hashtables, e.g. for caches, locks, etc, in PG that have a medium-high
>> degree of locality, so I'd expect a few potential uses. When adding
>> "tree compression" (i.e. skip inner nodes that have a single incoming
>> &
>> outgoing node) radix trees even can deal quite performantly with
>> variable width keys.
> Good point.
>> > On the other hand, I’m concerned that radix tree would be an
>> > over-engineering in terms of vacuum's dead tuples storage since the
>> > dead tuple storage is static data and requires only lookup operation,
>> > so if we want to use radix tree as dead tuple storage, I'd like to see
>> > further use cases.
>> I don't think we should rely on the read-only-ness. It seems pretty
>> clear that we'd want parallel dead-tuple scans at a point not too far
>> into the future?
> Indeed. Given that the radix tree itself has other use cases, I have
> no concern about using radix tree for vacuum's dead tuples storage. It
> will be better to have one that can be generally used and has some
> optimizations that are helpful also for vacuum's use case, rather than
> having one that is very optimized only for vacuum's use case.

Main portion of svtm that leads to memory saving is compression of many pages at once (CHUNK). It could be combined with radix as a storage for
pointers to CHUNKs., bute

For a moment I'm benchmarking IntegerSet replacement based on Trie (HATM
and CHUNK compression, therefore datastructure could be used for gist
vacuum as well.

Since it is generic (allows to index all 64bit) it lacks of trick used
to speedup svtm. Still on 10x test it is faster than radix.

I've attached IntegerSet2 patch for pgtools repo and benchmark results.

SVTM is measured with couple of changes from commit 5055ef72d23482dd3e11ce
in that branch: 1) more often compress bitmap, but slower, 2) couple of
popcount tricks.

IntegerSet consists of trie index to CHUNKS. CHUNKS is compressed bitmap
of 2^15 (6+9) bits (almost like in SVTM, but for fixed bit width).

Well, IntegerSet2 is always faster than IntegerSet and always uses
significantly less memory (radix uses more memory than IntegerSet in
couple of tests and uses comparable in others).

IntegerSet2 is not always faster than radix. It is more like radix.
That it because both are generic prefix trees with comparable amount of
memory accesses. SVTM did the trick being not multilevel prefix tree, but
just 1 level bitmap index to chunks.

I believe, trie part of IntegerSet could be replaced with radix.
Ie use radix as storage for pointers to CHUNKS.

BTW, how does svtm work when we add two sets of dead tuple TIDs to one
svtm? Dead tuple TIDs are unique sets but those sets could have TIDs
of the different offsets on the same block. The case I imagine is the
idea discussed on this thread[1]. With this idea, we store the
collected dead tuple TIDs somewhere and skip index vacuuming for some
reason (index skipping optimization, failsafe mode, or interruptions
etc.). Then, in the next lazy vacuum timing, we load the dead tuple
TIDs and start to scan the heap. During the heap scan in the second
lazy vacuum, it's possible that new dead tuples will be found on the
pages that we have already stored in svtm during the first lazy
vacuum. How can we efficiently update the chunk in the svtm?

If we store tidmap to disk, then it will be serialized. Since SVTM/
IntegerSet2 are ordered, they could be loaded in order. Then we
can just merge tuples in per page basis: deserialize page (or CHUNK),
put new tuples, store again. Since both scan (scan of serilized map
and scan of table) are in order, merging will be cheap enough.

SVTM and IntegerSet2 already works in "buffered" way on insertion.
(As well as IntegerSet that also does compression but in small parts).


Yura Sokolov
From c555983109cf202a2bd395de77711f302b7a5024 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yura Sokolov <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2021 17:21:02 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] integerset2

 bdbench/Makefile         |   2 +-
 bdbench/bdbench--1.0.sql |   5 +
 bdbench/bdbench.c        |  86 +++-
 bdbench/bench.sql        |   2 +
 bdbench/integerset2.c    | 887 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 bdbench/integerset2.h    |  15 +
 6 files changed, 994 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 bdbench/integerset2.c
 create mode 100644 bdbench/integerset2.h

diff --git a/bdbench/Makefile b/bdbench/Makefile
index a6f758f..0b00211 100644
--- a/bdbench/Makefile
+++ b/bdbench/Makefile
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 MODULE_big = bdbench
 DATA = bdbench--1.0.sql
-OBJS = bdbench.o vtbm.o rtbm.o radix.o svtm.o
+OBJS = bdbench.o vtbm.o rtbm.o radix.o svtm.o integerset2.o
 EXTENSION = bdbench
 REGRESS= bdbench
diff --git a/bdbench/bdbench--1.0.sql b/bdbench/bdbench--1.0.sql
index 0ba10a8..ae15514 100644
--- a/bdbench/bdbench--1.0.sql
+++ b/bdbench/bdbench--1.0.sql
@@ -115,3 +115,8 @@ CREATE FUNCTION radix_run_tests()
+CREATE FUNCTION intset2_run_tests()
diff --git a/bdbench/bdbench.c b/bdbench/bdbench.c
index d15526e..883099c 100644
--- a/bdbench/bdbench.c
+++ b/bdbench/bdbench.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 #include "rtbm.h"
 #include "radix.h"
 #include "svtm.h"
+#include "integerset2.h"
@@ -93,6 +94,7 @@ PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(bench);
@@ -159,6 +161,14 @@ static bool svtm_reaped(LVTestType *lvtt, ItemPointer itemptr);
 static Size svtm_mem_usage(LVTestType *lvtt);
 static void svtm_load(SVTm *tbm, ItemPointerData *itemptrs, int nitems);
+/* intset2 */
+static void intset2_init(LVTestType *lvtt, uint64 nitems);
+static void intset2_fini(LVTestType *lvtt);
+static void intset2_attach(LVTestType *lvtt, uint64 nitems, BlockNumber minblk,
+						 BlockNumber maxblk, OffsetNumber maxoff);
+static bool intset2_reaped(LVTestType *lvtt, ItemPointer itemptr);
+static Size intset2_mem_usage(LVTestType *lvtt);
 /* Misc functions */
 static void generate_index_tuples(uint64 nitems, BlockNumber minblk,
@@ -185,7 +195,7 @@ static void load_rtbm(RTbm *vtbm, ItemPointerData *itemptrs, int nitems);
 		.mem_usage_fn = n##_mem_usage, \
 static LVTestType LVTestSubjects[TEST_SUBJECT_TYPES] =
@@ -194,7 +204,8 @@ static LVTestType LVTestSubjects[TEST_SUBJECT_TYPES] =
 static bool
@@ -843,6 +854,69 @@ svtm_load(SVTm *svtm, ItemPointerData *itemptrs, int nitems)
+/* ------------ intset2 ----------- */
+static void
+intset2_init(LVTestType *lvtt, uint64 nitems)
+	MemoryContext old_ctx;
+	lvtt->mcxt = AllocSetContextCreate(TopMemoryContext,
+									   "intset2 bench",
+	old_ctx = MemoryContextSwitchTo(lvtt->mcxt);
+	lvtt->private = intset2_create();
+	MemoryContextSwitchTo(old_ctx);
+static void
+intset2_fini(LVTestType *lvtt)
+	if (lvtt->private != NULL)
+		intset2_free(lvtt->private);
+static inline uint64
+intset2_encode(ItemPointer tid)
+	uint64 tid_i;
+	uint32 shift = pg_ceil_log2_32(MaxHeapTuplesPerPage);
+	Assert(ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(tid)>0);
+	tid_i = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(tid) - 1;
+	tid_i |= (uint64)ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(tid) << shift;
+	return tid_i;
+static void
+intset2_attach(LVTestType *lvtt, uint64 nitems, BlockNumber minblk,
+			   BlockNumber maxblk, OffsetNumber maxoff)
+	uint64 i;
+	MemoryContext oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(lvtt->mcxt);
+	for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++)
+	{
+		intset2_add_member(lvtt->private,
+				intset2_encode(DeadTuples_orig->itemptrs + i));
+	}
+	MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
+static bool
+intset2_reaped(LVTestType *lvtt, ItemPointer itemptr)
+	return intset2_is_member(lvtt->private, intset2_encode(itemptr));
+static uint64
+intset2_mem_usage(LVTestType *lvtt)
+	//svtm_stats((SVTm *) lvtt->private);
+	return MemoryContextMemAllocated(lvtt->mcxt, true);
 static void
 attach(LVTestType *lvtt, uint64 nitems, BlockNumber minblk, BlockNumber maxblk,
@@ -1229,3 +1303,11 @@ radix_run_tests(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+	intset2_test_1();
diff --git a/bdbench/bench.sql b/bdbench/bench.sql
index b303591..01ee846 100644
--- a/bdbench/bench.sql
+++ b/bdbench/bench.sql
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ select 'tbm', attach_dead_tuples('tbm');
 select 'vtbm', attach_dead_tuples('vtbm');
 select 'radix', attach_dead_tuples('radix');
 select 'svtm', attach_dead_tuples('svtm');
+select 'intset2', attach_dead_tuples('intset2');
 -- Do benchmark of lazy_tid_reaped.
 select 'array bench', bench('array');
@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ select 'tbm bench', bench('tbm');
 select 'vtbm bench', bench('vtbm');
 select 'radix', bench('radix');
 select 'svtm', bench('svtm');
+select 'intset2', bench('intset2');
 -- Check the memory usage.
 select * from pg_backend_memory_contexts where name ~ 'bench' or name = 'TopMemoryContext' order by name;
diff --git a/bdbench/integerset2.c b/bdbench/integerset2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..441e224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bdbench/integerset2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,887 @@
+#include "postgres.h"
+#include "access/htup_details.h"
+#include "utils/builtins.h"
+#include "utils/memutils.h"
+#include "lib/stringinfo.h"
+#include "port/pg_bitutils.h"
+#include "nodes/bitmapset.h"
+#include "integerset2.h"
+#define ONE ((bitmapword)1)
+#define SHIFT 6
+#define pg_popcountW pg_popcount64
+#define SHIFT 5
+#define pg_popcountW pg_popcount32
+#define START(x) ((x) >> SHIFT)
+#define STARTN(x, n) ((x) >> (SHIFT*(n)))
+#define NBIT(x) ((x) & (((uint64)1 << SHIFT)-1))
+#define BIT(x) (ONE << NBIT(x))
+#define NBITN(x, n) NBIT(STARTN(x, (n)-1))
+#define BITN(x, n) (ONE << NBITN((x), (n)))
+ * Compressed leaf bitmap is indexed with 2 level bitmap index with
+ * 1 byte in root level. Therefore there is 8 bytes in second level
+ * and 64 bytes in third level.
+ */
+#define LEAF_SHIFT (3+3+3)
+#define LEAF_BITS (1 << LEAF_SHIFT)
+#define LEAF_BYTES (LEAF_BITS / 8)
+#define LBYTE(x) (((x) / 8) & (LEAF_BYTES-1))
+#define LBIT(x) (1 << ((x) & 7));
+#define CSTART(x) ((x) & ~(((uint64)1 << CHUNK_SHIFT)-1))
+#define CPOS(x) NBIT((x) >> LEAF_SHIFT)
+#define VAL_TO_PAGE(val) ((val) >> LEAF_SHIFT)
+#define VAL_TO_CHUNK(val) ((val) >> CHUNK_SHIFT)
+#define TRIE_LEVELS (64 / SHIFT)
+#define ISAllocBatch (1<<18)
+typedef struct IntsetAllocator IntsetAllocator;
+struct IntsetAllocator
+	Size	total_size;
+	Size	alloc_size;
+	Size	pos;
+	Size	limit;
+	uint8  *current;
+	List   *chunks;
+/* TRIE (HAMT like) */
+typedef struct IntsetTrieVal IntsetTrieVal;
+typedef struct IntsetTrieElem IntsetTrieElem;
+typedef void* (*trie_alloc)(Size size, void *arg);
+typedef struct IntsetTrie IntsetTrie;
+struct IntsetTrieElem
+	uint64	key;
+	bitmapword	bitmap;
+	union
+	{
+		void		*val;
+		IntsetTrieElem	*children;
+	}			p;
+struct IntsetTrie
+	trie_alloc	alloc;
+	void *alloc_arg;
+	int root_level;
+	IntsetTrieElem	root;
+	uint32 n[TRIE_LEVELS - 1];
+struct IntsetTrieVal
+	bitmapword	bitmap;
+	void	   *val;
+/* Intset */
+typedef enum IntsetLeafType IntsetLeafType;
+typedef struct IntsetLeafBitmap IntsetLeafBitmap;
+typedef struct IntsetLeafEmbed IntsetLeafEmbed;
+typedef union IntsetLeafHeader IntsetLeafHeader;
+/* alias for pointer */
+typedef IntsetLeafHeader IntsetChunk;
+typedef struct IntsetLeafBuilder IntsetLeafBuilder;
+typedef struct IntsetChunkBuilder IntsetChunkBuilder;
+#define bm2(b,c) (((b)<<1)|(c))
+enum IntsetLeafType {
+	LT_RAW     = bm2(0, 0),
+	LT_INVERSE = bm2(0, 1),
+	LT_SPARSE  = bm2(1, 0),
+	LT_EMBED   = bm2(1, 1),
+struct IntsetLeafBitmap
+	IntsetLeafType	type:2;
+	uint32  minbyte:6;
+	uint32  maxbyte:6;
+	uint32	offset:16;
+struct IntsetLeafEmbed
+	IntsetLeafType	type:2;
+	uint32	v0:9;
+	uint32	v1:9;
+	uint32	v2:9;
+union IntsetLeafHeader
+	IntsetLeafBitmap	b;
+	IntsetLeafEmbed		e;
+	uint32	v;
+StaticAssertDecl(sizeof(IntsetLeafBitmap) == sizeof(IntsetLeafEmbed),
+		"incompatible bit field packing");
+StaticAssertDecl(sizeof(IntsetLeafBitmap) == sizeof(uint32),
+		"incompatible bit field packing");
+struct IntsetLeafBuilder
+	uint16	nvals;
+	uint16	embed[3];
+	uint8	minbyte;
+	uint8	maxbyte;
+	uint8	bytes[LEAF_BYTES];
+struct IntsetChunkBuilder
+	uint64	chunk;
+	bitmapword bitmap;
+	IntsetLeafBuilder leafs[CHUNK_LEAFS];
+struct IntegerSet2
+	uint64	firstvalue;
+	uint64	nvalues;
+	IntsetAllocator alloc;
+	IntsetChunkBuilder current;
+	IntsetTrie trie;
+/* Allocator functions */
+static void *intset2_alloc(Size size, IntsetAllocator *alloc);
+static void  intset2_alloc_free(IntsetAllocator *alloc);
+/* Trie functions */
+static inline void intset2_trie_init(IntsetTrie *trie,
+									 trie_alloc alloc,
+									 void* arg);
+static void intset2_trie_insert(IntsetTrie *trie,
+								uint64 key,
+								IntsetTrieVal val);
+static IntsetTrieVal intset2_trie_lookup(IntsetTrie *trie, uint64 key);
+/* Intset functions */
+static uint8 intset2_leafbuilder_add(IntsetLeafBuilder *leaf, uint64 v);
+static inline bool intset2_leafbuilder_is_member(IntsetLeafBuilder *leaf,
+												 uint64 v);
+static uint8 intset2_chunkbuilder_add(IntsetChunkBuilder *chunk, uint64 v);
+static bool intset2_chunkbuilder_is_member(IntsetChunkBuilder *chunk,
+										   uint64 v);
+static bool intset2_chunk_is_member(IntsetChunk *chunk,
+									bitmapword bitmap,
+									uint64 v);
+static void intset2_compress_current(IntegerSet2 *intset);
+static inline uint8 pg_popcount8(uint8 b);
+static inline uint8 pg_popcount8_lowbits(uint8 b, uint8 nbits);
+static inline uint8 pg_popcount_small(uint8 *b, uint8 len);
+static inline uint32 intset2_compact(uint8 *dest, uint8 *src, uint8 len, bool inverse);
+/* Allocator */
+static void*
+intset2_alloc(Size size, IntsetAllocator *alloc)
+	Assert(size < ISAllocBatch);
+	size = MAXALIGN(size);
+	if (alloc->limit - alloc->pos < size)
+	{
+		alloc->current = palloc0(ISAllocBatch);
+		alloc->chunks = lappend(alloc->chunks, alloc->current);
+		alloc->pos = 0;
+		alloc->limit = ISAllocBatch;
+		alloc->total_size += ISAllocBatch;
+	}
+	alloc->pos += size;
+	alloc->alloc_size += size;
+	return alloc->current + (alloc->pos - size);
+static void
+intset2_alloc_free(IntsetAllocator *alloc)
+	list_free_deep(alloc->chunks);
+/* Trie */
+static inline void
+intset2_trie_init(IntsetTrie *trie, trie_alloc alloc, void* arg)
+	memset(trie, 0, sizeof(*trie));
+	trie->root_level = -1;
+	trie->alloc = alloc;
+	trie->alloc_arg = arg;
+static void
+intset2_trie_insert(IntsetTrie *trie, uint64 key, IntsetTrieVal val)
+	IntsetTrieElem *root = &trie->root;
+	IntsetTrieElem *chunk;
+	IntsetTrieElem *parent;
+	IntsetTrieElem insert;
+	int level = trie->root_level;
+	if (level == -1)
+	{
+		trie->root_level = 0;
+		root->key = key;
+		root->bitmap = val.bitmap;
+		root->p.val = val.val;
+		return;
+	}
+	Assert(root->key <= STARTN(key, level));
+	Assert(trie->root_level != 0 || root->key < key);
+	/* Adjust root level */
+	while (root->key != STARTN(key, level))
+	{
+		trie->l[level][0] = *root;
+		trie->n[level] = 1;
+		root->p.children = trie->l[level];
+		root->bitmap = BIT(root->key);
+		root->key >>= SHIFT;
+		level++;
+	}
+	trie->root_level = level;
+	/* Actual insert */
+	insert.key = key;
+	insert.bitmap = val.bitmap;
+	insert.p.val = val.val;
+	/*
+	 * Iterate while we need to move current level to alloced
+	 * space.
+	 *
+	 * Since we've fixed root in the loop above, we certainly
+	 * will quit.
+	 */
+	for (level = 0;; level++) {
+		IntsetTrieElem *alloced;
+		uint32 n = trie->n[level];
+		Size asize;
+		chunk = trie->l[level];
+		Assert(chunk[n-1].key <= insert.key);
+		if (level < trie->root_level-1)
+			parent = &trie->l[level+1][trie->n[level+1]-1];
+		else
+			parent = root;
+		Assert(pg_popcountW(parent->bitmap) == n);
+		if (parent->key == START(insert.key))
+			/* Yes, we are in the same chunk */
+			break;
+		/*
+		 * We are not in the same chunk. We need to move
+		 * layer to allocated space and start new one.
+		 */
+		asize = n * sizeof(IntsetTrieElem);
+		alloced = trie->alloc(asize, trie->alloc_arg);
+		memmove(alloced, chunk, asize);
+		parent->p.children = alloced;
+		/* insert into this level */
+		memset(chunk, 0, sizeof(*chunk) * BITS_PER_BITMAPWORD);
+		chunk[0] = insert;
+		trie->n[level] = 1;
+		/* prepare insertion into upper level */
+		insert.bitmap = BIT(insert.key);
+		insert.p.children = chunk;
+		insert.key >>= SHIFT;
+	}
+	Assert((parent->bitmap & BIT(insert.key)) == 0);
+	parent->bitmap |= BIT(insert.key);
+	chunk[trie->n[level]] = insert;
+	trie->n[level]++;
+	Assert(pg_popcountW(parent->bitmap) == trie->n[level]);
+static IntsetTrieVal
+intset2_trie_lookup(IntsetTrie *trie, uint64 key)
+	IntsetTrieVal	result = {0, NULL};
+	IntsetTrieElem *current = &trie->root;
+	int level = trie->root_level;
+	if (level == -1)
+		return result;
+	/* root is out of bound */
+	if (current->key != STARTN(key, level))
+		return result;
+	for (; level > 0; level--)
+	{
+		int n;
+		uint64 bit = BITN(key, level);
+		if ((current->bitmap & bit) == 0)
+			/* Not found */
+			return result;
+		n = pg_popcountW(current->bitmap & (bit-1));
+		current = &current->p.children[n];
+	}
+	Assert(current->key == key);
+	result.bitmap = current->bitmap;
+	result.val = current->p.val;
+	return result;
+/* Intset */
+/* returns 1 if new element were added, 0 otherwise */
+static uint8
+intset2_leafbuilder_add(IntsetLeafBuilder *leaf, uint64 v)
+	uint16	bv;
+	uint8	lbyte, lbit, missing;
+	bv = v % LEAF_BITS;
+	lbyte = LBYTE(bv);
+	lbit = LBIT(bv);
+	if (leaf->nvals < 3)
+		leaf->embed[leaf->nvals] = bv;
+	if (leaf->nvals == 0)
+		leaf->minbyte = leaf->maxbyte = lbyte;
+	else
+	{
+		Assert(lbyte >= leaf->maxbyte);
+		leaf->maxbyte = lbyte;
+	}
+	lbyte -= leaf->minbyte;
+	missing = (leaf->bytes[lbyte] & lbit) == 0;
+	leaf->bytes[lbyte] |= lbit;
+	leaf->nvals += missing;
+	return missing;
+static inline bool
+intset2_leafbuilder_is_member(IntsetLeafBuilder *leaf, uint64 v)
+	uint16	bv;
+	uint8	lbyte, lbit;
+	bv = v % LEAF_BITS;
+	lbyte = LBYTE(bv);
+	lbit = LBIT(bv);
+	/* we shouldn't be here unless we set something */
+	Assert(leaf->nvals != 0);
+	if (lbyte < leaf->minbyte || lbyte > leaf->maxbyte)
+		return false;
+	lbyte -= leaf->minbyte;
+	return (leaf->bytes[lbyte] & lbit) != 0;
+static uint8
+intset2_chunkbuilder_add(IntsetChunkBuilder *chunk, uint64 v)
+	IntsetLeafBuilder *leafs = chunk->leafs;
+	Assert(CSTART(v) == chunk->chunk);
+	chunk->bitmap |= (bitmapword)1<<CPOS(v);
+	return intset2_leafbuilder_add(&leafs[CPOS(v)], v);
+static bool
+intset2_chunkbuilder_is_member(IntsetChunkBuilder *chunk, uint64 v)
+	IntsetLeafBuilder *leafs = chunk->leafs;
+	Assert(CSTART(v) == chunk->chunk);
+	if ((chunk->bitmap & ((bitmapword)1<<CPOS(v))) == 0)
+		return false;
+	return intset2_leafbuilder_is_member(&leafs[CPOS(v)], v);
+static bool
+intset2_chunk_is_member(IntsetChunk *chunk, bitmapword bitmap, uint64 v)
+	IntsetLeafHeader	h;
+	uint32	cpos;
+	bitmapword	cbit;
+	uint8	*buf;
+	uint32	bv;
+	uint8	root;
+	uint8	lbyte;
+	uint8	l1bm;
+	uint8	l1len;
+	uint8	l1pos;
+	uint8	lbit;
+	bool	found;
+	bool	inverse;
+	cpos = CPOS(v);
+	cbit = ONE << cpos;
+	if ((bitmap & cbit) == 0)
+		return false;
+	h = chunk[pg_popcountW(bitmap & (cbit-1))];
+	bv = v % LEAF_BITS;
+	if (h.e.type == LT_EMBED)
+		return bv == h.e.v0 || bv == h.e.v1 || bv == h.e.v2;
+	lbyte = LBYTE(bv);
+	lbit = LBIT(bv);
+	buf = (uint8*)(chunk + pg_popcountW(bitmap)) + h.b.offset;
+	if (lbyte < h.b.minbyte || lbyte > h.b.maxbyte)
+		return false;
+	lbyte -= h.b.minbyte;
+	if (h.b.type == LT_RAW)
+		return (buf[lbyte] & lbit) != 0;
+	inverse = h.b.type == LT_INVERSE;
+	/*
+	 * Bitmap is sparse, so we have to recalculate lbyte.
+	 * lbyte = popcount(bits in level1 up to lbyte)
+	 */
+	root = buf[0];
+	if ((root & (1<<(lbyte/8))) == 0)
+		return inverse;
+	/* Calculate position in sparse level1 index. */
+	l1pos = pg_popcount8_lowbits(root, lbyte/8);
+	l1bm = buf[1+l1pos];
+	if ((l1bm & (1<<(lbyte&7))) == 0)
+		return inverse;
+	/* Now we have to check bitmap byte itself */
+	/* Calculate length of sparse level1 index */
+	l1len = pg_popcount8(root);
+	/*
+	 * Corrected lbyte position is count of bits set in the level1 upto
+	 * our original position.
+	 */
+	lbyte = pg_popcount_small(buf+1, l1pos) +
+			pg_popcount8_lowbits(l1bm, lbyte&7);
+	found = (buf[1+l1len+lbyte] & lbit) != 0;
+	return found != inverse;
+	IntegerSet2 *intset = palloc0(sizeof(IntegerSet2));
+	intset2_trie_init(&intset->trie,
+			(trie_alloc)intset2_alloc,
+			&intset->alloc);
+	return intset;
+intset2_free(IntegerSet2 *intset)
+	intset2_alloc_free(&intset->alloc);
+	pfree(intset);
+intset2_add_member(IntegerSet2 *intset, uint64 v)
+	uint64 cstart;
+	if (intset->nvalues == 0)
+	{
+		uint8 add;
+		intset->firstvalue = CSTART(v);
+		v -= intset->firstvalue;
+		add = intset2_chunkbuilder_add(&intset->current, v);
+		Assert(add == 1);
+		intset->nvalues += add;
+		return;
+	}
+	v -= intset->firstvalue;
+	cstart = CSTART(v);
+	Assert(cstart >= intset->current.chunk);
+	if (cstart != intset->current.chunk)
+	{
+		intset2_compress_current(intset);
+		intset->current.chunk = cstart;
+	}
+	intset->nvalues += intset2_chunkbuilder_add(&intset->current, v);
+intset2_is_member(IntegerSet2 *intset, uint64 v)
+	IntsetTrieVal trieval;
+	if (intset->nvalues == 0)
+		return false;
+	if (v < intset->firstvalue)
+		return false;
+	v -= intset->firstvalue;
+	if (intset->current.chunk < CSTART(v))
+		return false;
+	if (intset->current.chunk == CSTART(v))
+		return intset2_chunkbuilder_is_member(&intset->current, v);
+	trieval = intset2_trie_lookup(&intset->trie, v>>CHUNK_SHIFT);
+	return intset2_chunk_is_member(trieval.val, trieval.bitmap, v);
+intset2_num_entries(IntegerSet2 *intset)
+	return intset->nvalues;
+intset2_memory_usage(IntegerSet2 *intset)
+	/* we are missing alloc->chunks here */
+	return sizeof(IntegerSet2) + intset->alloc.total_size;
+static void
+intset2_compress_current(IntegerSet2 *intset)
+	IntsetChunkBuilder *bld = &intset->current;
+	IntsetLeafBuilder *leaf;
+	uint32 nheaders = 0;
+	IntsetLeafHeader headers[BITS_PER_BITMAPWORD];
+	IntsetLeafHeader h = {.v = 0};
+	IntsetTrieVal    trieval = {0, NULL};
+	uint64  triekey;
+	uint32	hlen, totallen;
+	uint32	bufpos = 0;
+	uint32	i;
+	for (i = 0; i < BITS_PER_BITMAPWORD; i++)
+	{
+		if ((bld->bitmap & (ONE<<i)) == 0)
+			continue;
+		leaf = &bld->leafs[i];
+		Assert(leaf->nvals != 0);
+		if (leaf->nvals < 3)
+		{
+			h.e.type = LT_EMBED;
+			/*
+			 * Header elements should be all filled because we doesn't store
+			 * their amount;
+			 * do the trick to fill possibly empty place
+			 * n = 1 => n/2 = 0, n-1 = 0
+			 * n = 2 => n/2 = 1, n-1 = 1
+			 * n = 3 => n/2 = 1, n-1 = 2
+			 */
+			h.e.v0 = leaf->embed[0];
+			h.e.v1 = leaf->embed[leaf->nvals/2];
+			h.e.v2 = leaf->embed[leaf->nvals-1];
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			/* root raw and root inverse */
+			uint8	rraw = 0,
+					rinv = 0;
+			/* level 1 index raw and index inverse */
+			uint8	raw[LEAF_BYTES/8] = {0},
+					inv[LEAF_BYTES/8] = {0};
+			/* zero count for raw map and inverse map */
+			uint8	cnt_00 = 0,
+					cnt_ff = 0;
+			uint8	mlen, llen;
+			uint8   splen, invlen, threshold;
+			uint8	b00, bff;
+			uint8  *buf;
+			int j;
+			h.b.minbyte = leaf->minbyte;
+			h.b.maxbyte = leaf->maxbyte;
+			h.b.offset = bufpos;
+			mlen = leaf->maxbyte+1 - leaf->minbyte;
+			for (j = 0; j < mlen; j++)
+			{
+				b00 = leaf->bytes[j] == 0;
+				bff = leaf->bytes[j] == 0xff;
+				cnt_00 += b00;
+				cnt_ff += bff;
+				raw[j/8] |= (1-b00) << (j&7);
+				inv[j/8] |= (1-bff) << (j&7);
+				Assert(j/64 == 0);
+				rraw |= (1-b00) << ((j/8)&7);
+				rinv |= (1-bff) << ((j/8)&7);
+			}
+			llen = (mlen-1)/8+1;
+			for (j = 0; j < llen; j++)
+			{
+				cnt_00 += raw[j] == 0;
+				cnt_ff += inv[j] == 0;
+			}
+			buf = buffer + bufpos;
+			splen = mlen + llen + 1 - cnt_00;
+			invlen = mlen + llen + 1 - cnt_ff;
+			threshold = mlen <= 4 ? 0 : /* don't compress */
+						mlen <= 8 ? mlen - 2 :
+									mlen * 3 / 4;
+			/* sparse map compresses well */
+			if (splen <= threshold && splen <= invlen)
+			{
+				h.b.type = LT_SPARSE;
+				*buf++ = rraw;
+				buf += intset2_compact(buf, raw, llen, false);
+				buf += intset2_compact(buf, leaf->bytes, mlen, false);
+			}
+			/* inverse sparse map compresses well */
+			else if (invlen <= threshold)
+			{
+				h.b.type = LT_INVERSE;
+				*buf++ = rinv;
+				buf += intset2_compact(buf, inv, llen, false);
+				buf += intset2_compact(buf, leaf->bytes, mlen, true);
+			}
+			/* fallback to raw type */
+			else
+			{
+				h.b.type = LT_RAW;
+				memmove(buf, leaf->bytes, mlen);
+				buf += mlen;
+			}
+			bufpos = buf - buffer;
+		}
+		headers[nheaders] = h;
+		nheaders++;
+	}
+	hlen = nheaders * sizeof(h);
+	totallen = hlen + bufpos;
+	trieval.bitmap = bld->bitmap;
+	trieval.val = intset2_alloc(totallen, &intset->alloc);
+	memmove(trieval.val, headers, hlen);
+	memmove((char*)trieval.val + hlen, buffer, bufpos);
+	triekey = bld->chunk >> CHUNK_SHIFT;
+	intset2_trie_insert(&intset->trie, triekey, trieval);
+	memset(&intset->current, 0, sizeof(intset->current));
+#define EXPECT_TRUE(expr)	\
+	do { \
+		Assert(expr); \
+		if (!(expr)) \
+			elog(ERROR, \
+				 "%s was unexpectedly false in file \"%s\" line %u", \
+				 #expr, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
+	} while (0)
+#define EXPECT_FALSE(expr)	\
+	do { \
+		Assert(!(expr)); \
+		if (expr) \
+			elog(ERROR, \
+				 "%s was unexpectedly true in file \"%s\" line %u", \
+				 #expr, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
+	} while (0)
+#define EXPECT_EQ_U32(result_expr, expected_expr)	\
+	do { \
+		uint32		result = (result_expr); \
+		uint32		expected = (expected_expr); \
+		Assert(result == expected); \
+		if (result != expected) \
+			elog(ERROR, \
+				 "%s yielded %u, expected %s in file \"%s\" line %u", \
+				 #result_expr, result, #expected_expr, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
+	} while (0)
+static void
+intset2_test_1_off(uint64 off)
+	IntegerSet2 *intset;
+	uint64 i, d, v;
+	intset = intset2_create();
+#define K 799
+	for (i = 0, d = 1; d < (ONE << (CHUNK_SHIFT + SHIFT + 1)); i+=(d=1+i/K))
+	{
+		v = i + off;
+		EXPECT_FALSE(intset2_is_member(intset, v));
+		EXPECT_FALSE(intset2_is_member(intset, v+1));
+		if (i != 0)
+		{
+			EXPECT_TRUE(intset2_is_member(intset, v-d));
+		}
+		if (d > 1)
+		{
+			EXPECT_FALSE(intset2_is_member(intset, v-1));
+			EXPECT_FALSE(intset2_is_member(intset, v-(d-1)));
+		}
+		intset2_add_member(intset, v);
+		EXPECT_TRUE(intset2_is_member(intset, v));
+		if (i != 0)
+		{
+			EXPECT_TRUE(intset2_is_member(intset, v-d));
+		}
+		if (d > 1)
+		{
+			EXPECT_FALSE(intset2_is_member(intset, v-1));
+			EXPECT_FALSE(intset2_is_member(intset, v-(d-1)));
+		}
+		EXPECT_FALSE(intset2_is_member(intset, v+1));
+	}
+	for (i = 0, d = 0; d < (1 << (CHUNK_SHIFT + SHIFT + 1)); i+=(d=1+i/K))
+	{
+		v = i + off;
+		EXPECT_TRUE(intset2_is_member(intset, v));
+		if (d != 0)
+		{
+			EXPECT_TRUE(intset2_is_member(intset, v-d));
+		}
+		if (d > 1)
+		{
+			EXPECT_FALSE(intset2_is_member(intset, v+1));
+			EXPECT_FALSE(intset2_is_member(intset, v-1));
+			EXPECT_FALSE(intset2_is_member(intset, v-(d-1)));
+		}
+	}
+	intset2_free(intset);
+	intset2_test_1_off(0);
+	intset2_test_1_off(1001);
+	intset2_test_1_off(10000001);
+	intset2_test_1_off(100000000001);
+/* Tools */
+static inline uint32
+intset2_compact(uint8 *dest, uint8 *src, uint8 len, bool inverse)
+	uint32	i, j;
+	uint8	b;
+	for (i = j = 0; i < len; i++)
+	{
+		b = inverse ? ~src[i] : src[i];
+		dest[j] = b;
+		j += b != 0;
+	}
+	return j;
+static const uint8 popcnt[256] = {
+	0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4,
+	1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5,
+	1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5,
+	2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6,
+	1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5,
+	2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6,
+	2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6,
+	3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7,
+	1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5,
+	2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6,
+	2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6,
+	3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7,
+	2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6,
+	3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7,
+	3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7,
+	4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, 5, 6, 6, 7, 6, 7, 7, 8
+static inline uint8
+pg_popcount8(uint8 b)
+	return popcnt[b];
+static inline uint8
+pg_popcount8_lowbits(uint8 b, uint8 nbits)
+	Assert(nbits < 8);
+	return popcnt[b&((1<<nbits)-1)];
+static inline uint8
+pg_popcount_small(uint8 *b, uint8 len)
+	uint8 r = 0;
+	switch (len&7)
+	{
+		case 7:	r += popcnt[b[6]]; /* fallthrough */
+		case 6:	r += popcnt[b[5]]; /* fallthrough */
+		case 5:	r += popcnt[b[4]]; /* fallthrough */
+		case 4:	r += popcnt[b[3]]; /* fallthrough */
+		case 3:	r += popcnt[b[2]]; /* fallthrough */
+		case 2:	r += popcnt[b[1]]; /* fallthrough */
+		case 1:	r += popcnt[b[0]]; /* fallthrough */
+	}
+	return r;
diff --git a/bdbench/integerset2.h b/bdbench/integerset2.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b987605
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bdbench/integerset2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#ifndef INTEGERSET2_H
+#define INTEGERSET2_H
+typedef struct IntegerSet2 IntegerSet2;
+extern IntegerSet2 *intset2_create(void);
+extern void intset2_free(IntegerSet2 *intset);
+extern void intset2_add_member(IntegerSet2 *intset, uint64 x);
+extern bool intset2_is_member(IntegerSet2 *intset, uint64 x);
+extern uint64 intset2_num_entries(IntegerSet2 *intset);
+extern uint64 intset2_memory_usage(IntegerSet2 *intset);
+extern void intset2_test_1(void);
+#endif  /* INTEGERSET2_H */

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