Hi all,

While working on a patch adding new stats, houzj pointed out that
'len' function arguments of all pgstat_recv_* functions are not used
at all. Looking at git history, pgstat_recv_* functions have been
having ‘len’ since the stats collector was introduced by commit
140ddb78fe 20 years ago but it was not used at all even in the first
commit. It seems like the improvements so far for the stats collector
had pgstat_recv_* function have ‘len’ for consistency with the
existing pgstat_recv_* functions. Is there any historical reason for
having 'len' argument? Or can we remove them?

I've attached the patch that removes 'len' from all pgstat_recv_* functions.


Masahiko Sawada
EDB:  https://www.enterprisedb.com/

Attachment: remove_len_from_pgstat_recv.patch
Description: Binary data

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