Hello David,

round-robin and random make sense.  I am wondering how round-robin
would work with -C, though?  Would you just reuse the same connection
string as the one chosen at the starting point.

Well, not necessarily, but this is debatable.

My expectation for such a behavior would be that it would reconnect to
a random connstring each time, otherwise what's the point of using
this with -C?  If we needed to forbid some option combinations that is
also an option.

Yep. ISTM that it should follow the connection policy/strategy, what ever it is.

I was thinking of providing a allowing a list of conninfo strings with
repeated options, eg --conninfo "foo" --conninfo "bla"…

That was my first thought when reading the subject of this thread:
create a list of connection strings and pass one of them to
doConnect() to grab the properties looked for.  That's a bit confusing
though as pgbench does not support directly connection strings,

They are supported because libpq silently assumes that "dbname" can be a
full connection string.

and we should be careful to keep fallback_application_name intact.

Hmmm. See attached patch, ISTM that it does the right thing.

I guess the multiple --conninfo approach is fine; I personally liked
having the list come from a file, as you could benchmark different
groups/clusters based on a file, much easier than constructing
multiple pgbench invocations depending.  I can see an argument for
both approaches.  The PGSERVICEFILE was an idea I'd had to store
easily indexed groups of connection information in a way that I didn't
need to know all the details, could easily parse, and could later pass
in the ENV so libpq could just pull out the information.

The attached version does work with the service file if the user provides "service=whatever" on the command line. The main difference is that it sticks to the libpq policy to use an explicit connection string or list of connection strings.

Also, note that the patch I sent dropped the --conninfo option. Connections are simply tghe last arguments to pgbench.

I'll see if I can take a look at your latest patch.


I was also wondering about how we should handle `pgbench -i` with multiple connection strings; currently it would only initialize with the first DSN it gets, but it probably makes sense to run initialize against all of the databases (or at least attempt to).

I'll tend to disagree on this one. Pgbench whole expectation is to run against "one" system, which might be composed of several nodes because of replications. I do not think that it is desirable to jump to "serveral fully independent databases".

Maybe this is one argument for the multiple --conninfo handling, since you could explicitly pass the databases you want. (Not that it is hard to just loop over connection info and `pgbench -i` with ENV, or any other number of ways to accomplish the same thing.)



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