From Mon, Aug 30, 2021 3:07 PM Masahiko Sawada <> wrote:
> I've attached rebased patches. 0004 patch is not the scope of this 
> patch. It's borrowed from another thread[1] to fix the assertion 
> failure for newly added tests. Please review them.


I reviewed the 0002 patch and have a suggestion for it.

+                               if (IsSet(opts.specified_opts, 
+                               {
values[Anum_pg_subscription_subsynccommit - 1] =
+                                               CStringGetTextDatum("off");
replaces[Anum_pg_subscription_subsynccommit - 1] = true;
+                               }

Currently, the patch set the default value out of parse_subscription_options(),
but I think It might be more standard to set the value in
parse_subscription_options(). Like:

                        if (!is_reset)
+                       }
+                       else
+                               opts->synchronous_commit = "off";

And then, we can set the value like:

values[Anum_pg_subscription_subsynccommit - 1] =

Besides, instead of adding a switch case like the following:
+                       {

We can add a bool flag(isReset) in AlterSubscriptionStmt and check the flag
when invoking parse_subscription_options(). In this approach, the code can be

Attach a diff file based on the v12-0002 which change the code like the above

Best regards,
Hou zj

Attachment: 0001-diff-for-0002_patch
Description: 0001-diff-for-0002_patch

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