On Friday, September 3, 2021 2:14 AM, Jacob Champion <pchamp...@vmware.com> 
>I applied your patch against HEAD (and did a clean build for good
>measure) but couldn't get the tab-completion you described -- on my
>machine, `PUBLICATION` still fails to complete. Tab completion is
>working in general, for example with the `SUBSCRIPTION` and
>`CONNECTION` keywords.
>Is there additional setup that I need to do?

Thanks for your check.

I applied the 0001-patch to the HEAD(c95ede41) by now and it worked as I 
Did you leave a space between "dbname=postgres'" and "[TAB]"?

In 0002-patch I added a tap test for the scenario of single quoted input with 
equal sign. 
The test result is 'All tests successful. ' on my machine. 
You can run the tap tests as follows:
1. Apply the attached patch
2. build the src with option '--enable-tap-tests' (./configure 
3. Move to src subdirectory 'src/bin/psql' 
4. Run 'make check' 

I'd appreciate it if you can share your test results with me.


Attachment: v2-0001-support-tab-completion-for-single-quote-input-wit.patch
Description: v2-0001-support-tab-completion-for-single-quote-input-wit.patch

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