> Thanks for giving this a lot of thought. When you asked the question
> the first time you hadn't discussed how that might work, but now we
> have something to discuss.

My ultimate goal is to unify this effort with the application period
effort. Step 1 in that was to understand what each was doing and why they
were doing it. If you check out the other thread, you'll see a highly
similar message that I sent over there.

> There are 3 implementation routes that I see, so let me explain so
> that others can join the discussion.
> 1. Putting all data in one table. This makes DROP SYSTEM VERSIONING
> effectively impossible. It requires access to the table to be
> rewritten to add in historical quals for non-historical access and it
> requires some push-ups around indexes. (The current patch adds the
> historic quals by kludging the parser, which is wrong place, since it
> doesn't work for joins etc.. However, given that issue, the rest seems
> to follow on naturally).
> 2. Putting data in a side table. This makes DROP SYSTEM VERSIONING
> fairly trivial, but it complicates many DDL commands (please make a
> list?) and requires the optimizer to know about this and cater to it,
> possibly complicating plans. Neither issue is insurmountable, but it
> becomes more intrusive.
> The current patch could go in either of the first 2 directions with
> further work.
> 3. Let the Table Access Method handle it. I call this out separately
> since it avoids making changes to the rest of Postgres, which might be
> a good thing, with the right TAM implementation.

I'd like to hear more about this idea number 3.

I could see value in allowing the history table to be a foreign table,
perhaps writing to csv/parquet/whatever files, and that sort of setup could
be persuasive to a regulator who wants extra-double-secret-proof that
auditing cannot be tampered with. But with that we'd have to give up the
relkind idea, which itself was going to be a cheap way to prevent updates
outside of the system triggers.

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