Mario Weilguni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In Oracle, empty strings and null are basicly the same,

Are you sure about that?  It'd be a pretty major failure to comply with
SQL standard semantics, if so.

SQL92 3.1 (Definitions):

            null value (null): A special value, or mark, that is used to
            indicate the absence of any data value.

SQL92 4.1 (Data types)

         A null value is an implementation-dependent special value that
         is distinct from all non-null values of the associated data type.
         There is effectively only one null value and that value is a member
         of every SQL data type. There is no <literal> for a null value,
         although the keyword NULL is used in some places to indicate that a
         null value is desired.

There is no room there for equating NULL with an empty string.  I also
read the last-quoted sentence to specifically forbid treating the
literal '' as NULL.

                        regards, tom lane

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