I'm wanting to run pgsql 7.0.3 release and pgsql current cvs on the same 
machine without them conflicting (if possible).  Can someone explain what I 
should look out for when trying to do this?

I assume I'll have to configure --with-pgport=5433 (something other than 

How will the use of the environment variables PGDATA and PGLIB be affected if 
I have them still pointing at the release version?

I'm wanting to begin keeping an updated pgsql-cvs installation running and 
maybe get active in working on the sources.  Maybe I can start out with 
documentation stuff.  I've been following this list long enough and still 
enjoy it so I want to try towards contributing stuff.

-------- Robert B. Easter  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---------
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- CompTechServ Tech Services   http://www.comptechserv.com/ -
---------- http://www.comptechnews.com/~reaster/ ------------

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