I was just shown the following example:

CREATE TABLE profile (haushaltseinkommen_pm  numeric(22,2));
CREATE VIEW profile_view AS
SELECT *, haushaltseinkommen_pm*12 AS haushaltseinkommen_pa FROM profile;

7.0.* pg_dump produces the following for the view:

CREATE TABLE "profile_view" (
        "haushaltseinkommen_pm" numeric(22,2),
        "haushaltseinkommen_pa" numeric
profile.haushaltseinkommen_pm, (profile.haushaltseinkommen_pm * '12'::"numeric") AS 
haushaltseinkommen_pa FROM profile;

AFAICS this is perfectly legitimate, but both 7.0.* and current backends
will reject the CREATE RULE with

ERROR:  select rule's target entry 2 has different size from attribute 

The problem here is that DefineQueryRewrite checks

            if (attr->atttypmod != resdom->restypmod)
                elog(ERROR, "select rule's target entry %d has different size from 
attribute %s", i, attname);

where attr will have the default precision/scale for NUMERIC, as set up
by the CREATE TABLE, but resdom will have -1 because that's what you're
going to get from a numeric expression.  (In the CREATE VIEW case, they
both have -1, evidently because CREATE VIEW doesn't force a default
NUMERIC precision to be inserted in the table definition.  Not sure if
that's OK or not.)

I think we'd better fix this, else we will have problems reading 7.0
dump files.  I can see two possible answers:

1. Remove this check entirely.

2. Allow the typmods to be different if one of them is -1.

I'm not entirely sure which way to jump.  The former seems simpler but
might perhaps allow creation of bogus views --- any opinions?

                        regards, tom lane

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