On Friday 19 January 2001 20:28, Cameron Laird wrote:

> > I am a Comp. Sci. student at Ryerson Polytechnic University in toronto.  I
> am in the midst of a software engineering project that involves the
> development of a (possibly) relational database on a RedHat 6.2 development
> environment, we are coding in C.  now my question is, how closely related
> are Postgre and MySQL, and are the necessary PostgreSQL libraries included
> in RedHat 6.2?

AFAIK, PostgreSQL and MySQL are from totally different codebases (never 
shared any code).  PostgreSQL is BSD license and MySQL is now GNU GPL. They 
both implement SQL to varying levels of conformance. PostgreSQL has some 
object-oriented features, like table inheritance.  Try them both and see what 
you like, but I think you'll find PostgreSQL more interesting.  For instance, 
Postgres can load C functions from shared objects and use them as functions 
in SQL, user defined aggregates, procedural language call handlers, and to 
create user defined data types (and possibly other things). The 7.1 beta has 
implemented some great new features, like write-ahead logging (WAL) and 
complete support for SQL table joins, among other things.  A C project can do 
a lot with Postgres.

RPM packages of PostgreSQL are available at:


You'll have to check redhat.com or do an rpm query to see if it should be or 
is installed on RedHat 6.2.

> thanks,
> Cameron Laird

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