Cedar Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> AFAIK the "triggered data change" message comes out of the AFTER trigger
>> code.  You sure you don't have any AFTER triggers on the table?  Perhaps
>> ones added implicitly by a foreign-key constraint?

> Not any that I wrote.  Ok, the table def is:

> CREATE TABLE tblStSC2Options (
>         SC2OptionID int4 NOT NULL,
>         SC2OptionName character varying(50) NOT NULL CHECK (SC2OptionName<>''),
>         SC2OptionValue float4 CHECK (SC2OptionValue>0),
>         SurID character varying(50) NOT NULL REFERENCES tblStSC2 ON UPDATE 

Sure looks like a foreign key to me.  If you dump the table definition
with pg_dump you'll see some AFTER triggers.

                        regards, tom lane

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