On Sun, 8 Apr 2001, Oliver Elphick wrote:

> The Hermit Hacker wrote:
>   >On Sat, 7 Apr 2001, Lamar Owen wrote:
>   >
>   >> One quick note -- since 'R' < 'b', the RC RPM's must be forced to
>   >> install with --oldpackage, as RPM does a simple strcmp of version
>   >> numbers -- 7.1RC3 < 7.1beta1, for instance.  Just force it with
>   >> --oldpackage if you have a 7.1beta RPM already installed.
>   >
>   >Huh?  I always thought that ASCII R was greater then b ... *confused*  in
>   >the future, would it help to have 7.2Beta?  Or am I missing something? :)
> R = 82
> b = 98
> so b comes after R, and `blank' comes before either!
> Therefore 7.1 < 7.1RC < 7.1beta !
> As I suggested in another mail, let us switch to using even minor
> numbers for releases and odd ones for development:
> That means the final release of 7.1 will be called 7.2.  Bugfix releases
> will then be 7.2.x.  Meanwhile new development versions will be 7.3.x
> which will finally be released as 7.4, and so on...

Not in this life time ... we are not going to move to a Linux-like
development cycle ... *groan*

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