At 10:59 PM 23-04-2001 -0700, Nathan Myers wrote:
>On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 12:39:29PM +0800, Lincoln Yeoh wrote:
>> Why not be more deterministic about refusing connections and stick
>> to reducing max clients? If not it seems like a case where you're
>> promised something but when you need it, you can't have it.
>The point is that "number of connections" is a very poor estimate of 
>system load.  Sometimes a connection is busy, sometimes it's not.

Actually I use number of connections to estimate how much RAM I will need,
not for estimating system load.

Because once the system runs out of RAM, performance drops a lot. If I can
prevent the system running out of RAM, it can usually take whatever I throw
at it at near the max throughput. 

For my app say the max is X hits per second with a few concurrent
transactions. When I boost it the number of concurrent transactions (e.g.
25 on a 128MB machine, load~13) it goes down to maybe 0.95X hits per
second[1]. This is acceptable to me.

But once the machine starts swapping, things bog down drastically and some
connections get Server Error.

>Refusing a connection and letting the client try again later can be 
>a way to maximize throughput by keeping the system at the optimum 
>point.  (Waiting reduces delay.  Yes, this is counterintuitive, but 
>why do we queue up at ticket windows?)
>Delaying response, when under excessive load, to clients who already 
>have a connection -- even if they just got one -- can have a similar 
>effect, but with finer granularity and with less complexity in the 

With my web apps, refusing connection based on load doesn't help at all,
they are fastcgi processes and are already holding database connections
open, before even getting a web request ( might as well open the db
connection before the client talks to you).

For other apps maybe refusing connection could help. But are these cases in
the majority? In say a bank teller environment, the database connections
are probably already open, and could remain open the whole day.

Delaying transactions based on load is easier to understand for me.


[1] This is a guesstimate: the hits per second drops gradually during the
The speed for a low concurrent test run AFTER the benchmark had a slower
hits per second than the benchmark figures.

This is probably because there was a lot of selecting and updating of the
same row, and Postgresql needs a vacuum before the speed goes back up.
Seems like the dead rows get in the way of the index or something - speed
doesn't slow down as much for lots of inserts and selects.

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