I have a table with a FK on itself: in fact a record may depend on
another table ("pig's ear" :-) I may run into a problem
dumping/restoring using pg_dump, PostgreSQL 7.1.0.

Here's a simplification of the table:

provo=# SELECT version();
 PostgreSQL 7.1 on alphaev67-dec-osf4.0f, compiled by cc -std

provo=# CREATE TABLE t1 (id serial, val text, ref integer references

provo=# \d t1
                             Table "t1"
 Attribute |  Type   |                   Modifier
 id        | integer | not null default nextval('"t1_id_seq"'::text)
 val       | text    |
 ref       | integer |
Index: t1_id_key

If I perform some UPDATEs after the INSERTs, rows in the table are not
"ordered" (in a physical sense) according to the serial id, as obvious:

provo=# INSERT INTO t1 (val) VALUES ('A');
INSERT 2361407 1
provo=# INSERT INTO t1 (val, ref) VALUES ('B', 1);
INSERT 2361408 1
provo=# SELECT oid,* from t1;
   oid   | id | val | ref
 2361407 |  1 | A   |
 2361408 |  2 | B   |   1
(2 rows)
provo=# UPDATE t1 SET val = 'A+' WHERE id = 1;
provo=# SELECT oid,* from t1;
   oid   | id | val | ref
 2361408 |  2 | B   |   1
 2361407 |  1 | A+  |
(2 rows)

Now, if I dump *in INSERT mode and only the data* the table, the
ordering makes it unusable:

-- Data for TOC Entry ID 5 (OID 2361370) TABLE DATA t1
\connect - alessio
INSERT INTO t1 (id,val,ref) VALUES (2,'B',1);
INSERT INTO t1 (id,val,ref) VALUES (1,'A+',NULL);

which fails since row '1' is not defined while entering '2', because I
want to put an older database's data into a newer (compatible)
structure, so FK triggers and other stuff is working. Is there a
different solution that disabling FK or editing (argh!) the dump?

It should work fine if rows would be dumped according to oid. Can this
be considered a bug?

Alessio F. Bragadini            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
APL Financial Services          http://village.albourne.com
Nicosia, Cyprus                 phone: +357-2-755750

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