Alvaro Herrera wrote:
andy wrote:
with autovacuum enabled with default settings, cramd.sql is 154M:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/pub/back$ time pg_restore -Fc -C -d postgres cramd.sql

real    3m43.687s


Now I dropdb and disable autovacuum, restart pg:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/pub/back$ time ( pg_restore -Fc -C -d postgres cramd.sql; vacuumdb -z cramd )

real    3m47.229s
user    0m9.933s
sys     0m0.744s

Sweet, about the same amount of time.

Thanks.  I find it strange that it takes 3 minutes to restore a 150 MB
database ... do you have many indexes?

Even though the restore times are very similar, I find it a bit
disturbing that the "CREATE INDEX" is shown to be waiting.  Was it just
bad luck that the ps output shows it that way, or does it really wait
for long?

There are about 800 tables, each has one index. Most tables (75%) are very small, the rest have, maybe 50K rows.

I had to run the ps several times to catch it waiting. It didnt seem to wait too long.

It was run on my laptop, which may not have the best io times in the world (and it only has 512 Meg ram).


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TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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