
> I had PostgreSQL 7.0.3 (7.1 now) and one nice day I've noticed that much
> number of my BLOBs are broken! Although they seems to be with good content
> in file system (xinv[0-9]+ files) I was not able to get them via
> lo_export... After spending some time trying to fix it, I decided to write
> my own xinv2plainfile converter. I hope if someone has same troubles this
> converter will help him.
> Just compile it, put it in the dir with your xinv[0-9]+ files and run.
> It will create new files with name eq to BLOB id from apropriate xinv.

Either use 7.1.x, or apply my patch to 7.0.3. And you will have no such 
problems at all. :-))

Sincerely Yours,
Denis Perchine

HomePage: http://www.perchine.com/dyp/
FidoNet: 2:5000/120.5

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