"Tom Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Gregory Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Recently there was a post on -performance about a particular case where
>> Postgres doesn't make very good use of the I/O system. This is when you try 
>> to
>> fetch many records spread throughout a table in random order.
>> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-performance/2007-12/msg00005.php
> Since the OP in that thread has still supplied zero information
> (no EXPLAIN, let alone ANALYZE, and no version info), it's pure
> guesswork as to what his problem is.

Sure, consider it a hypothetical which needs further experimentation. That's
part of why I ran (and will rerun) those synthetic benchmarks to test whether
posix_fadvise() actually speeds up subsequent reads on a few operating
systems. Surely any proposed patch will have to prove itself on empirical
grounds too.

I could swear this has been discussed in the past too. I seem to recall Luke
disparaging Postgres on the same basis but proposing an immensely complicated
solution. posix_fadvise or using libaio in a simplistic fashion as a kind of
fadvise would be fairly lightweight way to get most of the benefit of the more
complex solutions.

  Gregory Stark
  EnterpriseDB          http://www.enterprisedb.com
  Get trained by Bruce Momjian - ask me about EnterpriseDB's PostgreSQL 

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