Magnus Hagander wrote:
On Mon, 2007-12-03 at 12:15 -0500, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
Magnus Hagander wrote:

When you redid the msvc build stuff you seem to have missed the
documentatino.. Specifically, I notice that isn't documented -
docs still say buildenv.bat is the way to go.

Also, do we now have both buildenv.bat and (I have them both
in my environment, but that could be a result of being lazy)

My recollection is that I changed the minimum amount necessary, because I was expecting us to go into beta at anmy moment (silly me). That might be why we still have both. There was an expectation that some cleanup might be required during 8.4 development. I know I left other .bat files as wrappers for the perl scripts, but that's obviously not appropriate here. I'll see if I can adjust builddoc.bat so we can get rid of buildenv.bat.

As for documentation, you're probably right, I could easily have missed it. I'll look into it.

Great. Let me know if you need me to poke at anything.

OK, I'm thinking that the best way might be to do away with buildenv.bat altogether and replace the remaining references to it in .bat files with something like this fragment:

if not exist src\tools\msvc\ goto nobuildenv
perl -e "require 'src/tools/msvc/'; while(($k,$v) = each %ENV) { print [EMAIL PROTECTED] $k=$v\n]; }" > tmp.bat
call tmp.bat
del tmp.bat

and adjust the docs accordingly.




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