On Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 10:46:51PM -0800, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> Tom Lane wrote:
> >As of CVS HEAD, some of the contrib module documentation pages have
> >extensive credit screeds, eg
> >http://developer.postgresql.org/pgdocs/postgres/cube.html
> >and some just have the author's name, with or without an <email> link,
> >and some don't have anything at all.
> >I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other, except that I think
> >we should have a uniform policy for all the contrib modules.
> Well once we push directly into the core documentation I agree that 
> outside of release notes (although you just brought that up in another 
> thread) we don't need to be mentioning contributions like that. Those 
> who have contributed are in the logs.
> Further those who have provided reasonable contribution really should be 
> mentioned on the contributors page that is up for discussion which would 
> make the rest of this moot yes?

+1, since they are listed in the release notes when the contrib modules are
added - just like any other piece of code. IMO no reason to treat contrib
differently from any other code in this case.


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