Michael Akinde wrote:
> Thanks for the rapid responses.
> Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:
>> this seems simply a problem of setting maintenance_work_mem too high (ie 
>> higher than what your OS can support - maybe an ulimit/processlimit is in 
>> effect?) . Try reducing maintenance_work_mem to say 128MB and retry.
>> If you promise postgresql that it can get 1GB it will happily try to use 
>> it ...
> I set up the system together with one of our Linux sysOps, so I think the 
> settings should be OK. Kernel.shmmax is set to 1.2 GB, but I'll get him to 
> recheck if there could be any other limits he has forgotten to increase.

You are confusing shared memory (shared_buffers and kernel.shmmax) with
local memory (work_mem and maintenance_work_mem).  The error you got is
about the latter kind.

Alvaro Herrera                 http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/CTMLCN8V17R4
"La soledad es compañía"

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