On Thu, 27 Dec 2007 11:39:29 -0500 Andrew Dunstan wrote:

> Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum wrote:
> >>> i considered this one but this would only bring 0/1 as input, not as
> >>> output values, which is what i want.
> >>>       
> >> er, what? This domain would have input and output values of 0/1.
> >>     
> >
> > Yes, but i will loose 't', 'true', 'f' and 'false', the usual input
> > values in PostgreSQL beside '0' and '1'. It's not that the people don't
> > use true/false, they use this a lot. But they expect boolean variable
> > in PHP working like a bolean column in PG ... without casts, without
> > extra workarounds in the code.
> If your code is prepared to emit t/f but not accept it then that seems 
> to violate Postel's admonition: "Be *liberal* in what you *accept*, and 
> *conservative* in what you send."

Andrew: your workaround was to create a domain which would use
0/1 ... this idea will not behave like a boolean, because it does not
accept 'true'/'false'.

My replacement boolean type does accept all this input values and does
emit 0/1 instead of 'f'/'t'. But since i have to create all the casts,
operators and classes (like for boolean) again for my data type, i asked
if someone know a more elegant way ... if not, i will use my data type.

You can see the code here:


This are some hundred lines of SQL which are almost doubled from the
boolean type. So maybe there's a way to avoid all this, but i haven't
found one.

Kind regards

                                Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum
German PostgreSQL User Group

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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