On Tue, 29 Jan 2008, Cristian Gafton wrote:

I have a ~150GB sized server, containing two databases that are active in mostly read mode. I have noticed lately that the global/pgstat.stat file is somewhere around 1MB freshly after a restart, but at some point it baloons to 74MB in size for no apparent reason, after a few hours of uptime. Needless to say, having the stats collector dump 74MB of stuff on disk on its every loop takes a big bite of the I/O capabilities of this box.

Of course, leaving out the most important thing - this is postgresql 8.2.6 on x86_64

Looking at all the othe replicas I have of this database (but which are under a more lightweight read load), the pgstat.stat file again is rather small in size. Am I right to assume that a 74MB pgstat.stat file is not normal - and what might have caused it?

Cristian Gafton
rPath, Inc.

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