We've had a couple of discussions recently revolving around the
inefficiency of using hashjoin/hashaggregation output to update a target
table, because of the resulting very random access pattern.  I believe
this same mechanism is underlying the slowness of Stephen Denne's
"alternate query" described here:

I made up the attached doubtless-oversimplified test case to model what
he was seeing.  It's cut down about 4x from the table size he describes,
but the UPDATE still takes forever --- I gave up waiting after 2 hours,
when it had deleted about a fifth of its hashjoin temp files, suggesting
that the total runtime would be about 10 hours.

A brute force idea for fixing this is to sort the intended update or
delete operations of an UPDATE/DELETE command according to the target
table's ctid, which is available for free anyway since the executor top
level must have it to perform the operation.  I made up an even more
brute force patch (also attached) that forces that to happen for every
UPDATE or DELETE --- obviously we'd not want that for real, it's just
for crude performance testing.  With that patch, I got the results

                                                                  QUERY PLAN    
 Sort  (cost=6075623.03..6085623.05 rows=4000008 width=618) (actual 
time=2078726.637..3371944.124 rows=4000000 loops=1)
   Sort Key: df.ctid
   Sort Method:  external merge  Disk: 2478992kB
   ->  Hash Join  (cost=123330.50..1207292.72 rows=4000008 width=618) (actual 
time=20186.510..721120.455 rows=4000000 loops=1)
         Hash Cond: (df.document_id = d.id)
         ->  Seq Scan on document_file df  (cost=0.00..373334.08 rows=4000008 
width=614) (actual time=11.775..439993.807 rows=4000000 loops=1)
         ->  Hash  (cost=57702.00..57702.00 rows=4000200 width=8) (actual 
time=19575.885..19575.885 rows=4000000 loops=1)
               ->  Seq Scan on document d  (cost=0.00..57702.00 rows=4000200 
width=8) (actual time=0.039..14335.615 rows=4000000 loops=1)
 Total runtime: 3684037.097 ms

or just over an hour runtime --- still not exactly speedy, but it
certainly compares favorably to the estimated 10 hours for unsorted

This is with default shared_buffers (32MB) and work_mem (1MB);
a more aggressive work_mem would have meant fewer hash batches and fewer
sort runs and hence better performance in both cases, but with the
majority of the runtime going into the sort step here, I think that the
sorted update would benefit much more.

Nowhere near a workable patch of course, but seems like food for

                        regards, tom lane

drop table if exists document;
drop table if exists document_file ;

create table document (document_type_id int, id int primary key);
create table document_file (document_type_id int, document_id int primary key,
   filler char(600));

insert into document_file select x,x,'z' from generate_series(1,4000000) x;
insert into document select x,x from generate_series(1,4000000) x;

analyze document_file;
analyze document;

set enable_mergejoin = false;

explain analyze UPDATE ONLY document_file AS df SET document_type_id = 
d.document_type_id FROM document AS d WHERE d.id = document_id;
Index: src/backend/optimizer/prep/preptlist.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/prep/preptlist.c,v
retrieving revision 1.88
diff -c -r1.88 preptlist.c
*** src/backend/optimizer/prep/preptlist.c      1 Jan 2008 19:45:50 -0000       
--- src/backend/optimizer/prep/preptlist.c      30 Jan 2008 03:06:30 -0000
*** 32,37 ****
--- 32,38 ----
  #include "optimizer/var.h"
  #include "parser/analyze.h"
  #include "parser/parsetree.h"
+ #include "parser/parse_clause.h"
  #include "parser/parse_coerce.h"
*** 103,108 ****
--- 104,120 ----
                        tlist = list_copy(tlist);
                tlist = lappend(tlist, tle);
+               /*
+                * Force the query result to be sorted by CTID, for better 
+                * speed.  (Note: we expect parse->sortClause to be NIL here,
+                * but this code will do no harm if it's not.)
+                */
+               parse->sortClause = addTargetToSortList(NULL, tle,
                parse->sortClause, tlist,
                NIL, false);
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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