On Tue, 5 Feb 2008, Magnus Hagander wrote:

On Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 03:34:19AM -0500, Kris Jurka wrote:

Is it possible to authenticate using GSSAPI over the V2 protocol?  Is
there any documentation on the message formats for V2?

Honestly - don't know :-) Never looked at that part. I mean, the V2
protocol is *really* old by now, isn't it? Do you actually need it for

The JDBC driver exposes an option to connect via either protocol version. I was looking at adding GSSAPI support and it seemed orthogonal to the protocol version used, but I couldn't get it working under V2. People still use the V2 protocol to connect because it uses string interpolation for ? in prepared statements while V3 passes them out of line. So for apps that do things like "SELECT timestamp ? " that will only work under V2.

Kris Jurka

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