Simon Riggs wrote:
On Wed, 2008-02-06 at 16:41 +0100, Magnus Hagander wrote:

I don't think the two syntaxes compete. I want to be able to say
"everything before", "data" and "everything after" without having to
remember to specify --what=tables,views,sequences,kitchensink etc.
Especially since you probably won't notice you've missed out an object
type (e.g. sequences) until you try to run an application. Too late!

Is this not a job for the -l / -L mode of pg_restore, but ported to pg_dump?

With a bit of tweaking ti the format you could do something like:

pg_dump -l mydb | grep BEFORE > obj_list.txt
pg_dump -L obj_list.txt mydb > mydb.before.schema

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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