"Tom Dunstan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> This seems like a good enough opportunity to mention an idea that I
> had while/after doing the enum patch. The patch was fairly intrusive
> for something that was just adding a type because postgresql isn't
> really set up for parameterized types other than core types. The idea
> would be to extend the enum mechanism to allow UDTs etc to be
> parameterized, and enums would just become one use of the mechanism.

Isn't this reasonably well covered by Teodor's work to support
typmods for user-defined types?  We've discussed how the typmod could
be effectively a key into a system catalog someplace, thus allowing it
to represent more than just an int32 worth of stuff.  I'm not seeing
where your proposal accomplishes more than that can.

                        regards, tom lane

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