Following the discussion on making UUID data type to be much more liberal
( )
I have decided to try to approach it from more general perspective.

The current state of code is available at:

And now for more details:

The idea is to have a data type HEXSTRING(n) which can have an optional
typemod specifying the size of data (in bytes).

Internally the datatype is binary compatible with bytea, but I/O is done as
hex-encoded strings.  The format is liberal, isspace() and ispunct() characters
are skipped while the digits are read.

I have played with two versions of hexstringin() function, one which uses
strtoul() function and the other which uses "home brew" code.  The latter
appears to be faster, so I stayed with that.  But I would appreciate
comments on this from more experienced.

So, what are the use cases?

CREATE DOMAIN liberal_uuid AS hexstring(16);
CREATE DOMAIN liberal_macaddr AS hexstring(6); allows for creating other standard hex-types, as for example:
CREATE DOMAIN wwn AS hexstring(8); --

Also it can be a convenient alternative to bytea format (I know, the
encode()/decode() pair),
especially when you have to format output data as some fancy hex-string.

The code is currently just a bunch of input/output/typemod functions
which appear
to work.  I will add casts, operators, etc -- they most likely will be
nicked from bytea.

What I would like to also add is ubiquitous to_char(hex, format) function.
For an UUID-compatilbe format it would be called as:
SELECT to_char(hex, 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx') or
SELECT to_char(hex, '8x-4x-4x-4x-12x') where x is expanded as
[0-9a-f] digit and X is expanded as [0-9A-F].
I am not sure what to do about variable length hexstrings, I am
considering something
like to_char(hex, '8X-') which would produce something like
for a 12-byte hexstring (what to do about dangling '-' ?).

...but the original case against liberal UUID was that it would make
the I/O slower.
My simple test:

postgres=# CREATE TABLE uuids AS SELECT uuid_generate_v4()::text AS u
FROM generate_series(1,10000000);

u::hexstring(16) FROM uuids;
Time: 13058.486 ms
postgres=# CREATE TEMP TABLE test ON COMMIT DROP AS SELECT u::uuid FROM uuids;
Time: 13536.816 ms hexstring is varlena type but does not use strtoul.  Perhaps
uuid might be more liberal too.

What do you think about it?


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