Hannu Krosing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Lamar Owen wrote:
> > 
> > While the advice to pick up the Rawhide 7.1.2 source RPM is sound for a user
> > of RedHat 7.x, unless you have updated to RPM 3.0.5 or greater on your 6.2
> > boxen you won't be able to install the source RPM from Rawhide, since it was
> > written in RPM4 format.
> Thanks for this info. I had just completed a --rebuild on RH 7.1 and
> planned to  do the same on 6.2, but I guess I'd rather wait a few
> days. 

Note that most 6.2 systems already have a new version, as both 3.0.5
and 4.0.2 have been released at erratas at different times.

Trond Eivind Glomsrød
Red Hat, Inc.

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