On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 02:32:59PM +1000, Joe Shevland wrote:
> I'd certainly be keen on helping out with a Java/Swing approach. It would be
> an excellent test of the meta-data stuff in the JDBC driver and to catch any
> ommissions. I'm willing to provide a homepage etc if wanted (and for some
> reason the main postgres site isn't used), maybe Sourceforge could be a goer
> too?. A lot of the code will end up being useful too I suspect for other
> Java/Postgres projects.

I'd suggest hosting it at www.greatbridge.org, for that very reason:
other Java/Postgres projects are more likely to find you there. And
that's where the existing admin type projects (phppgadmin, pgadmin)
are hosted, so you all can steal ideas from one another. ;-)


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