On Sat, 12 Apr 2008, Alexander W?hrer wrote:

I'm working on Windows XP SP2 (stack limit 3500 kb) and deployed
successfully my application (doing some external Web service calling)
inside PostGre 8.3.0.

Unfortunatelly, the application needs at least 3 Threads and will run
for quite some time.

I found this comment


by Thomas Hallgren where he mentioned that PostGre only defines
one stack and therefor pl/java has no way of telling PostGre
about multiple thread stack pointers.

My question is now if there is a patched version available of PostGre
8.3.0 having this stack_depth check disabled?

This was fixed in postgresql/pljava shortly after the referenced discussion. As requested, postgresql 8.1+ allows modification of stack_base_ptr so pljava can set it as desired.

Kris Jurka
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