Alex Pilosov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, Tom Lane wrote:
>> So you have four (soon to be six or seven) different structs that *must*
>> have the same fields?  I don't think that's cleaner than a union ...

> Please see my diffs. Its implemented via #define to declare all common
> fields. 
>     NodeTag     type; \
>     [etc]

I don't think that technique is cleaner than a union, either ;-).
The macro definition is a pain in the neck: you have to play games with
semicolon placement, most tools won't autoindent it nicely, etc etc.

But the main point is that I think NodeType = RangeTblEntry with
a separate subtype field is a better way to go than making a bunch of
different NodeType values.  When most of the fields are common, as in
this case, it's going to be true that many places only want to know
"is it a rangetable entry or not?"

                        regards, tom lane

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